Pediatric Diabetes Clinic | Pediatric Endocrinology Specialty | UC Davis Children's Hospital

Pediatric diabetes clinic

What to expect during your child’s first visit to the diabetes clinic

During your child’s first diabetes clinic appointment, we’ll go over educational information about managing diabetes and assist you with any questions you may have. Please keep in mind that this appointment is 2 to 3 hours.

Please see the below list that you will need to bring to clinic:

  • Your child’s glucometer/meter, current insulin doses, and log book
  • Teaching binder that was provided during your child’s inpatient stay, if it was at UC Davis Children’s Hospital
  • Lunch if your appointment time falls during that time. Bring snacks both low-carb and carb snacks. Bring activities and/or homework.
  • Low supplies (glucose tablets, juice, or “Fun” size packet of Skittles) + a follow-up solid carb such as a granola bar or peanut butter crackers.

Diabetes care team and roles

Your child will see the entire diabetes care team during this first visit. The following are the team members and a brief description of how they will assist you and your child:

Your child’s diabetes doctor will:

  • Make insulin updates to match changes needed with your child’s meal plan and blood sugars
  • Address your child’s labs
  • Clarify your child’s type of diabetes

Our dietitian is here to help with:

  • Carb counting clarifications
  • Meal plan adjustments
  • Label questions or confusion
  • Snack and meal planning
  • Timing of meals
  • Exercise and sports nutrition

Nurse educator:
Our nurse educator will review important information about diabetes management and answer questions about your child’s diabetes needs.

Social worker:
Our social worker will provide support, assessing your child’s mood and coping ability following their diagnosis. Social workers can also provide information on the following:

  • Support groups
  • Summer camps
  • Returning to school and work

They can also answer questions about applying for financial assistance or medical insurance if needed. 

Clinic and phone numbers

Pediatric Diabetes Clinic

2521 Stockton Boulevard, 3rd Floor
Sacramento, CA

The diabetes clinic is part of the Pediatric Endocrinology Clinic, which is located in the Glassrock Building on the UC Davis Health campus.

View map and directions

For questions or clinic scheduling needs


Call during regular business hours, Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

UC Davis Hospital Operator


Call the hospital operator for urgent issues after hours, weekends and holidays. Ask for the “pediatric endocrinologist on-call.”

Blood glucose readings voicemail

During the weekdays, leave a DAILY voicemail with your child’s blood glucose readings:

Call Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 12 noon

On weekends and holidays, call the UC Davis Hospital Operator around 12 p.m. You should receive a call back within 30 minutes. Please have your child’s blood glucose data ready to share.


For other helpful numbers, please refer to the “Important Phone Numbers” handout in diabetes binder provided to you and your child.