What is it?

An innovative, no-risk program that makes getting certified safer and easier for everyone. The result is everyone wins: nurses, nurse managers, health care facilities, and patients. In a nutshell, if the nurse uses the unique ID Code when registering for the exam, they get more than one chance to pass the exam, and don't pay until they pass.

How it works

A health care facility agrees that within one year's time, a minimum of 5 candidates will take an ONCC certification exam

  • If the nurse passes the exam, the nurse is charged for the exam fees.
  • If the nurse is unsuccessful, they can take the exam an additional time before the contract expiration date.
  • If the nurse passes the second time, then the nurse is charged the exam fee.
  • If the nurse does not pass, no one pays if within the contract date.
  • If the nurse does not use the FreeTake ID Code to register for the examination, the fee is the responsibility of the nurse and will not be covered under the program.

Benefits of the program

  • Decreased test anxiety for nurses: fear of failure is eased and confidence increases.
  • Better care: certified nurses provide the best nursing care to patients and families.
  • Certification validates specialty knowledge, enhances credibility, and provides satisfaction.

About the exam

ONCC FreeTake can be used for all ONCC examinations below:

  • Oncology Certified Nurse (OCN®)
  • Blood & Bone Marrow Transplant Certified Nurse (BMTCN®)
  • Certified Pediatric Hematology Oncology Nurse (CPHON®)
  • Advanced Oncology Certified Nurse Practitioner (AOCNP®)
  • Certified Breast Care Nurse (CBCN®)

Information concerning registering for the exam

Applying for the ONCC FreeTake™ Program does not register you for the exam. To be eligible to take a certification exam, you must meet all eligibility criteria at the time of the application, which can be viewed on the respective ONCC certification website.