The Biomedical Informatics program offers data planning and implementation services to researchers through database development and management, terminology services and training in the use of informatics research tools.
The Biorepositories Core Resource supports the advancement of the UC Davis research community’s success in biospecimen-related research by providing education, outreach and training to its faculty, staff and students as well as creating efficient biospecimen management systems for the University and its collaborators.
The Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design program enhances clinical and translational research by delivering statistical expertise to investigators in the form of statistical consultations; grant proposal preparation; study design/protocol development; statistical analysis plan preparation; and data analysis/interpretation.
The Clinical Research Center provides clinical expertise for biomedical research studies. The research center is not only well-staffed with experienced clinical research nurses and research coordinators, but is also well-equipped and conveniently located on the UC Davis Health campus.
The Clinical Research Ethics resource provides expertise to researchers seeking advice regarding ethically complex aspects of their biomedical research. The service is available to assist investigators throughout the life of a research project, from the initial design phase of the study through dissemination of research findings.
The Clinical Trial Management System Operations Office provides high-quality support and services to researchers and study teams conducting clinical trials at UC Davis using OnCore, a comprehensive platform designed to streamline the management of clinical trial operations.
The Clinical Trials Office provides expertise, guidance, and hands-on support for UC Davis clinical trial investigators and staff. The group provides education and training; clinical research coordinators' for hire; monitoring and quality assurance; budgets and billing; and help with FDA submissions.
The Community Engagement program connects health researchers with the community by providing:
The Health Resources and Outreach (HeRO) program works to amplify the voices and grow the presence of patients and the public in all aspects of health research. HeRO's work is shaped by the principle that science is a team sport, and the best science is done by teams representing knowledge, expertise, perspectives, and lived experiences.
The Pilot program aims to spark innovative and collaborative scientific endeavors by supporting and facilitating robust new research paradigms, technologies, and tools, and through partnerships that enhance team science. Several calls are announced throughout the calendar year which are posted on the website and circulated broadly to the campus community. All funded investigators and the titles of their projects are listed on the CTSC website to highlight their success and innovation.
The Translational Research Education and Development program is committed to developing the next generation of independent, highly successful academic faculty and advance research at UC Davis Health. This includes efforts to reorient the culture of the institution to support promotion through team science participation and enhance quality mentoring in the human health sciences. By administering KL2 and TL1 grants and other education and training programs, the CTSC supports research education and training on the institutional level.
The overriding objective of the Translational Resources program is three-fold:
To implement these objectives, the program provides ready access to campus services and facilities, organizes workshops and symposia with associated calls for pilot projects, and supports local and national translational research initiatives.