Racial Justice Report Card | UC Davis Health

Racial Justice Report Card

The Racial Justice Report Card (RJRC) is a student-driven report assessing 14 metrics regarding an academic center’s curriculum and climate, student and faculty diversity, policing, racial integration of clinical care sites, treatment of workers, and research protocols. The original RJRC was created by the White Coats for Black Lives (WC4BL) national working group in 2018 and recruited 10 medical schools across the country to gather data and produce a report.

In July 2019, student leadership within the UC Davis chapter of WC4BL began gathering data to publish a 2020 report for UC Davis, working closely with the Office for Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion faculty and staff to obtain information across the spectrum of School of Medicine and UC Davis Health system metrics. Grades and item summaries were finalized in January 2020 and reviewed by the Office of Medical Education (OME) and School of Medicine leadership. Based on the findings of the RJRC, WC4BL created a series of recommendations to address identified areas for improvement, which were officially integrated into the RJRC in May 2020. These recommendations were subsequently updated to include demands made by the UC Davis Chapter of Student National Medical Association (SNMA).

In June 2020, WC4BL leadership presented the full RJRC with student recommendations to School of Medicine leadership, who agreed that the recommendations set forth in the RJRC were largely feasible and would be incorporated into School of Medicine strategic planning. The first step in this planning was the development of an administrative action plan (found below) which operationalizes the recommendations set forth by WC4BL and SNMA. This site will be updated over time to include the most recent RJRC and administrative action plan, while also archiving previous reports and plans to enable tracking of progress over time.

December 22, 2020

Dear UC Davis School of Medicine Community,

The UC Davis School of Medicine and the UC Davis Health Office for Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (HEDI) are committed to providing a positive, equitable and inclusive learning environment for all students.

The following UC Davis School of Medicine action plan has been developed by the School of Medicine in collaboration with HEDI. This outlines the steps that we are undertaking to actualize the UC Davis Principles of Community, and advance equity, diversity and inclusion by acting on the recommendations presented in the White Coats for Black Lives (WC4BL) 2020 Racial Justice Report Card in May 2020, which were subsequently updated with additional recommendations from the UC Davis Chapter of the Student National Medical Association (SNMA).

We thank the UC Davis chapters of WC4BL and the SNMA for their extensive work to create the 2020 Racial Justice Report card and its recommendations.

The School of Medicine and HEDI will continue to collaborate with WC4BL, SNMA and other stakeholders as we implement and further refine the action plan. As a result, we view the plan as a living document that will continue to be updated on this website.

Thank you for your partnership in this important work to ensure that we have a positive, inclusive learning environment for all our students.


Allison Brashear, M.D., M.B.A.
Dean, School of Medicine
University of California, Davis

Hendry Ton, M.D., M.S.
Associate Vice Chancellor
Office for Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
UC Davis Health

Racial Justice Report Card Summary

Metrics Grade and Notes
1. URM Student Representation A All of the following groups are proportionately represented among students: Black, Native American, Latinx.
2. URM Faculty Representation C None of the the following groups are proportionately represented among faculty, or this information is not publicly available: Black, Native American, Latinx.
3. URM Recognition A The metric is fully met.
4. URM Recruitment
B Some elements of the metric are met.
5. Anti-Racism Training and Curriculum
B Some elements of the metric are met.
6. Discrimination Reporting B There is some system for collecting reports, but there is no clear follow-up after reports are made.
7. URM Grade Disparity C There are significant racial disparities in grades and/or honors or this information is not publicly available.
8. URM Support/Resources B There are some resources specifically designated to support students of color.
9. Campus Policing C There is a campus police force, and no evidence that they have sought to address racism in policing, or this information is not publicly available.
10. Marginalized Patient Population C Students are routinely given more independence when caring for marginalized patients.
11. Equal Access for All Patients C Patient care is highly segregated, or this information is not publicly available.
12. Immigrant Patient Population C The hospital has no public or policy commitment to immigrant patients.
13. Staff Compensation and Insurance A The metric is fully met.
14. Anti-Racist IRB Policies C IRB process has no requirements regarding the treatment of race, or this information is not publicly available.

Racial Justice Report Card

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