Self-paced and Virtual Learning | UC Davis Health

Self-paced and Virtual Learning


  • SOM/SON Search committee chairs for Academic Senate recruitments will be required to be STEAD certified by attending the campus STEAD workshop either in person or zoom.
  • SOM/SON Non-Senate Faculty Search Committee Chairs and members will satisfy the STEAD requirement by attending the Enhanced Training for Faculty Search Committee Members offered through LMS.

All members of faculty search committees must complete STEAD certification (on Davis campus), or Enhanced Training for Faculty Search Committee Members (on Sacramento campus), before the evaluation of applicants ends. Non-UCD members and graduate students of a search committee must also be certified. Completion of this workshop must be done once every four (4) years.

Health campus e-course - UC Davis Learning Center
Course code DAH-HEDI-ETFSCM. Questions about Health campus offerings? Contact Rebecca Jorrin.

Davis campus in-person workshops
Questions about Davis campus offerings? Contact Kristina Hanna.

This course is offered by Continuing Medical Education within the UC Davis School of Medicine.

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Define race, racism and anti-racism.
  • Discuss the history of race as a social construct.
  • Explain how race is used in medicine (often incorrectly).
  • Distinguish race as a social construct from genetic populations with shared ancestry.
  • Identify methods of practicing anti-racism in medicine.

UC Davis Learning Center

This course is offered by the Center for Professional Practice of Nursing.

This is a four-part self-paced course, hosted in the UC Davis Learning Center, designed to be an engaging exploration of challenging topics in race, diversity, equity, and inclusion. Each module has a set of brief learning activities (e.g., podcasts, videos, short readings), which are designed to fit within busy schedules. To deepen your understanding of structural racism, answer the self-reflection questions as you read, watch, and listen to educational content. Each course is certified with the Board of Registered Nursing CEP 26 (Nursing - BRN) for 2.58 credits.

Webinars and Recordings
  • lunch and learn

    About the Office for Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

    During this lunch and learn held on October 31, 2023, UC Davis Health participants heard the latest efforts happening around the Anchor Institution Mission (AIM), Inclusion Diversity, Anti-Racism, and Equity (IDARE) initiative, and Clinical Strategic Plan (CSP).

    View the recording
  • Education

    Diversity and Inclusion Dialogues

    Open to faculty, staff, students and community members to learn about and discuss issues critical to cultural humility, health equity and diversity and inclusion.

  • Education

    Growing as a Community Webinar Series

    This webinar series focuses on the important issues of structural racism, strategies and techniques for questioning and interrupting discrimination, ways to help build healthier and safer inclusive communities, and how to heal during these challenging times.

    Explore webinar recordingsUpcoming webinars
  • Education

    LGBTQ+ education and events

    LGBTQ Patient-Centered Care Training opportunities, Improving OUTcomes for LGBTQ+ health, previous webinars, and upcoming LGBTQ+ events and offerings.

    Explore webinarsUpcoming events
  • Education, Employee Resource Groups

    Ramadan 101

    The Muslim Faculty and Staff Association Employee Resource Group (MFSA) educates the UC Davis community on Ramadan – a significant period of time in Muslim faith that runs from March 10 to April 9 this year. Viewers will learn about the significance of fasting during Ramadan, hear from the community of UC Davis and UC Davis Health faculty, staff, and students who identify as Muslim, and gain insight into ways to support Muslim patients and community members.

    View the recording