Events and Upcoming Offerings | UC Davis Health

Recurring Events

Educational opportunity for health professionals, students, and community members to explore how health professionals and community partners can improve quality of and access to care for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning (LGBTQ+) patients and their families.

UC Davis campuses in Davis and Sacramento come together each year to celebrate the Principles of Community — our shared aspirations to value our individual differences and common ground, as we work to create an inclusive and intellectually vibrant community.

The commitment to our shared Principles of Community isn’t just shown in one week, this week serves as a form of recognition and celebration for the great work that is done throughout the year by our students, faculty, staff, faculty and administrators.

More information about the 2025 reaffirmation celebrating 35 years of the Principles of Community, and media toolkit with graphics to use and the kickoff event flier to share.

In case you missed it, the recording from the virtual kick-off event is now available.

The Small and Diverse Supplier Expo provides small and diverse suppliers an opportunity to meet in-person with Davis campus and UC Davis Health departments to learn more about their needs for goods and services and what steps to take to position their business to meet those needs.

2023 event recap and resources from past Expo events.

This event is hosted in partnership with the campus Office of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion and Health Equity, Diversity & Inclusion and UC Davis Health Procurement, to continue our conversations with the small and diverse business community.

Upcoming offerings and events

The Office for Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and its community partners offer a number of education and training opportunities as well as healing circles for our community.

Learn more about our educational offerings and programs.