DiversABILITY | UC Davis Health


diversability graphic with icons representing different abilities and a person in the center uplifting a heart


The DiversABILITY Employee Resource Group brings together people with disabilities and allies to develop resources, create a safe place and provide peer support.


The DiversABILITY Employee Resource Group will educate, create and nurture awareness of the strengths people with disabilities contribute to the UC Davis Health community.

The DiversABILITY Employee Resource Group meets at noon on the third Tuesday of each month.

Please email Carolyn Ramirez at cjramirez@ucdavis.edu for meeting details, and request to join the email group. All UC Davis Health faculty and staff are welcome.

Carolyn Ramirez and Sarah Janus

Amalia Castaneda and Linda Schlager-McKenna

Lisa De Bartolo

Upcoming Events

Group Calendar