Professor- Emeritus
Edward J. Callahan is not currently accepting new patients. For assistance finding a UC Davis doctor, please call 800-2-UCDAVIS (800-282-3284).
Family and Community Medicine
Dr. Callahan contributes to behavioral medicine training for the health system's residents, medical students and psychology interns.
His professional interests are in recruitment and management of academic personnel with emphasis in creating and supporting diverse and effective teams.
Family and Community Medicine
A.B., Boston College, Boston, Massachusetts, 1968
M.A., University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont, 1970
Ph.D., University of Vermont, Berlington, Vermont, 1972
Excellence in Education Award, UC Davis School of Medicine, 2006
Elected Fellow, American Psychological Association, Division 38: Health Psychology, 1994
National Defense Education Act (NDEA) Fellowship, University of Vermont, 1970
Sigma Xi Research Award, University of Vermont, 1970
Howell LP, Chen CY, Joad JP, Green R, Callahan EJ, Bonham AC. Issues and challenges of non-tenure-track research faculty: the UC Davis School of Medicine experience. Acad Med. 2010 Jun;85(6):1041-7.
Howell, L.P., Joad, J.P., Callahan, E.J., Bonham, A.c. Generational forecasting in academic medicine: A unique method of planning for success in the next two decades. Academic Medicine :2009, 84(8): 985-993.
Callahan, EJ., Flynn, N.M., Kuenneth, c.A., Enders, S.R. Strategies to reduce HN risk behavior in HN primary care clinics: Brief provider messages and specialist intervention. AIDS and Behavior, 2007: 11(5 Suppl):S48-57.
Hilty, D.M., Marks, S., Wegeland, J., Callahan, E.J., Nesbitt, T.S. A randomized controlled trial of disease management modules, including telepsychiatric care, for depression in rural primary care. Psychiatry, 2007: 4(2): 58-65.
Baldwin, J., Johnson, R., Wayment, H. & Callahan, E.J. Community intervention to enhance early identification and treatment of substance abuse. Substance Abuse, 2005:26(3-4):43-7.
Bertakis KD, Azari R, Callahan EJ. Patient pain in primary care: Factors that influence physician diagnosis. Annals of Family Medicine, 2(3):224-30, 2004.
Callahan EJ, Stange KC, Zyzanski SJ, Goodwin MA, Flocke SA, Bertakis KD. Physician-elder interaction in community family practice. Journal of the American Board of Family Practice, 17(1):19-25, 2004.
Bertakis KD, Azari R, Callahan EJ. Patient pain: Its influence on primary care physician-patient interaction. Family Medicine, 35(2):119-23, 2003.
Callahan EJ, Stange KC, Bertakis KD, Zyzanski SJ, Azari R, Flocke SA. How well does time use during outpatient residency training reflect community practice? Family Medicine, 35(6):423-7, 2003.
Callahan EJ, Bertakis KD, Azari R, Robbins JA, Helms LJ, Miller J. Association of higher costs with symptoms and diagnosis of depression. Journal of Family Practice, 51(6):540-544, 2002.
Hilty DM, Nesbitt TS, Marks SL, Callahan EJ. Effects of telepsychiatry on the doctor-patient relationship: Communication, satisfaction and relevant issues. Primary Psychiatry, 9(9):29-34, 2002.
Kikano GE, Snyder CW, Callahan EJ, Goodwin MA, Stange KC. A comparison of ambulatory services of patients with managed care and fee-for-service insurance. American Journal of Managed Care, 8(2):181-186, 2002.
Bertakis KD, Callahan EJ, Azari R, Robbins JA. Predictors of patient referrals by primary care residents to specialty care clinics. Family Medicine, 33(3):203-209, 2001.
Bertakis KD, Helms LJ, Callahan EJ, Azari R, Leigh P, Robbins JA. Patient gender differences in the diagnosis of depression in primary care. Journal of Women’s Health and Gender-Based Medicine, 10(7):689-698, 2001.