Obstetric Emergency Department | Obstetrics and Gynecology | UC Davis Health

About Our Obstetric Emergency Department

As the Sacramento region’s only academic medical center, we are uniquely prepared for special situations and pregnancy emergencies. As part of these services, we are proud to be home to an Obstetric Emergency Department (OBED) as designated by the California Department of Public Health.

If you come to the OBED for care, first enter the hospital through the main entrance. Then go to the Davis Tower 3rd floor, which is home to the University Birthing Suites and the OBED.

If you believe you are having a life-threatening medical emergency, as always please seek emergency care right away by calling 911.

An OBED provides round-the-clock and specialized emergency care to pregnant women and their babies presenting with life-threatening or urgent obstetrical needs. As part of our comprehensive women’s care, we offer:

  • 24/7 access to highly-trained obstetrics experts
  • Timely evaluation and management of pregnancy-related concerns
  • Care for normal and high-risk pregnancies, including multiple pregnancies
  • Treatment for postpartum-related issues
  • The nation’s highest recognition for nursing excellence

The OBED is located in a dedicated space inside the labor and delivery unit, in UC Davis Medical Center’s Davis Tower 3rd floor University Birthing Suites. Our obstetric emergency providers and professionals are available for evaluation and treatment of:

  • abdominal pain
  • bladder infections
  • decreased fetal movement
  • fetal assessment
  • headache
  • increased blood pressure
  • labor checks
  • nausea and vomiting
  • preeclampsia
  • preterm labor
  • ruptured membranes
  • vaginal bleeding

You should consider coming straight to the OBED if you have:

  • Unexpected vaginal bleeding.
  • Signs of a ruptured membrane. This is similar to your water breaking, where fluid leaking from the vagina has no color and does not smell like urine (you can use a pad to absorb some and check).
  • A headache (dull or severe) that won’t go away.

For other symptoms, you can start by calling UC Davis Health’s 24-hour Labor and Delivery advice nurse service at one of the contact numbers below. An advice nurse will help advise whether you should stay home, pursue an appointment at the outpatient ob/gyn clinic, or come to the OBED.

  • Monday – Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (excluding holidays): call the Obstetrics advice line at 916-734-6900.
  • All other days and times: call Labor and Delivery at 916-703-3030.

Since our OBED is part of our emergency room and emergency services, your bill may reflect charges for an emergency room visit or emergency services. If you have any questions, please contact:


UC Davis Health Patient Billing Customer Service Department

8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Monday – Friday

800-551-9411 Toll-Free
916-734-9230 TDD