UC Davis Health Wellness Academy | Office of Wellness Education | UC Davis Health

Wellness Academy

Man presents on wellness at a whiteboard

Wellness Academy is a virtual education series hosted by the Office of Wellness Education. This free series features esteemed faculty and wellness experts who share the latest research and strategies to support lasting well-being.

Each recorded session includes expert-led presentations and interactive Q&A segments, offering insights across a broad range of topics including: movement, nutrition, mental health, and more. 

Wellness Academy originally aired as a webinar series over four consecutive Saturdays in October 2023 and again in 2024. All videos are now FREE to watch online. 

Explore Wellness Academy Topics

Wellness Academy 2024

Wellness as a Lifestyle Gina Lokna, MD

Epigenetics and Wellness Janine LaSalle, PhD

Peace in Chaos: Cultivating Wellness During Challenging Times Ravi Prasad, PhD

Counteracting Misinformation About Wellness – Camelia Hostinar, PhD

Xenometablomics: Gut Health and Wellness Sean Adams, MS, PhD

How Lighting Impacts Wellness Michael Siminovitch, PhD

Science and Practice of Mindfulness and Compassion Philippe Goldin, PhD

Animals and Wellness Jamie Peyton, DVM, DACVECC, CVA, CVC, CCRT

A Prescription For More Wellness and Less Medication Heather Martin, PharmD, BCACP, CDCES

Channeling Your Inner Athlete Marcia Faustin, MD

Brain Health and Wellness Rachel Whitmer, PhD

Crafting Nutrient Dense Sauces with Sky Hanka, MS, NBC-HWC

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