Adolescent Medicine | Clinical Services | UC Davis Children Hospital

Adolescent medicine

Adolescent-centered treatment and care

Our physicians incorporate the unique physical, psychological, social and developmental needs of adolescents and young adults in their care.

A young teen female in a clinical office for a consultation, stock image
A teen with mom hugging, sitting on a couch in a provider care office setting

Adolescent medicine

Our adolescent medicine subspecialty focuses on impacting wellness by improving mental and physical health through adolescent-centered treatment. We serve families in Sacramento and the surrounding communities, providing services that holistically address and comprehensively treat the complex medical and behavioral needs of our adolescent and young adult (AYA) patients, who are generally between the ages of 10 to 26 years old.

Further, our clinics and teams of specialists aim to provide accessible health care services for adolescents in the context of their family, culture and community.

Services we provide
  • Treatment of nutritional and energy imbalance disorders

    • Eating disorders and disordered eating, including anorexia nervosa (typical and atypical), bulimia nervosa (typical and atypical), binge eating disorders, purging disorders, night eating disorders, Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)
    • Nutritional and body image concerns related to inadequate nutritional intake and energy deficiency presentation
    • Unhealthy as well as unintended weight loss and weight gain
    • Pre-diabetes or signs of insulin resistance
  • Reproductive and sexual health care needs

    • Irregular menstrual cycle (including amenorrhea, oligomenorrhoea, and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
    • Menstrual related disorders (dysmenorrhea, dysfunctional uterine bleeding)
    • Menstrual suppression
    • Management of ovarian cysts
    • Evaluation and management of delayed onset of menstrual cycles
    • Initiation and management of contraception (monthly or extended cycling of progestin only and combined hormonal contraception as well intermediate acting contraception)
    • Screening, treatment, and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases
  • Adolescent mental health

    Medical management along with comprehensive physiologic treatment plan for:

    • Anxiety disorders
    • Major depressive disorders
    • Suicidal ideation
    • Obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD)
  • Gender health care

    • Social transition support
    • Menstrual suppression
    • Cross-hormone management
    • Gender-affirming care
  • Dermatologic care

    • Topical acne treatment
    • Systemic acne treatment
  • Adolescent and young adult transition and chronic illness support

    • Assistance in adolescent to young adult transition-related needs (helping patients better understand and incorporate health care-related medical needs to reach healthier adult outcomes)
    • Chronic illness-related disease distress and challenges related to medical-related treatment adherence
Our specialty clinics
young adult female in sitting in medical office

Our clinics are staffed by subspecialty adolescent-medicine trained, and board-certified physicians. To be seen by one of our specialists, a physician referral is required.

  • Adolescent medicine consult clinic, including reproductive and mental health services
  • Eating disorders and nutritional imbalances clinic
  • Comprehensive fatty liver clinic
  • Multidisclipinary adolescent PCOS clinic