Patient Stories | Nephrology and Kidney Transplantation | UC Davis Children's Hospital

Patient stories

Referrals and appointments

Kidney care clinics

Advanced kidney care is available at the UC Davis Children’s Hospital Pediatric Nephrology Clinic for infants, children and teens. We also have a pediatric kidney stone program offering care for new and recurrent kidney stones.

  • Pediatric Nephrology Clinic
  • Pediatric Kidney Stone Clinic
  • Multidisciplinary Pediatric Stone Clinic

Consultation services

Our nephrologists are widely sought for consultation services by family practitioners who have patients with kidney disease. Our team also provides consultation services to hospitals throughout Northern California, Southern Oregon and parts of Nevada.

Pediatric Nephrology Clinic

2521 Stockton Boulevard
Sacramento, CA 95817

The pediatric nephrology clinic is located in the Glassrock Building on the UC Davis Health campus.

View map and directions

To schedule an appointment



For physician referrals or consults


To see one of our specialists, a referral is required from your child’s primary care physician.

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