Pediatric Long-Term Ventilation Program | Pulmonology Specialty | UC Davis Children's Hospital

Pediatric long-term ventilation program

Our pediatric long-term ventilation program (also commonly called “home ventilation”) offers care for patients who live with a need for mechanical help with breathing on a day-to-day basis due to chronic respiratory conditions. Our team includes pediatric pulmonary physicians (pediatric pulmonologists), registered nurses, respiratory therapists, registered dieticians, and social workers to help children thrive and to help families meet the needs of children living with medical complexity that includes the inability to breathe independently.

Inpatient consultation

Our team collaborates with our neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and pediatric and cardiac intensive care units (PICU) when a patient is at risk of being unable to leave the hospital without mechanically assisted breathing. Before choosing long-term ventilation, our physicians and care team meet with families to discuss the risks and benefits of long-term ventilation. If a family chooses long-term ventilation, surgical placement of a tracheostomy is typically required (by an otolaryngology/ear, nose, and throat [ENT] surgeon) to allow a portable/home ventilator to deliver breaths in a safe and secure fashion. Thereafter, the focus of our work becomes the choice of optimal ventilator settings for each patient, family/caregiver training, and identifying a durable medical equipment (DME) company. For patients already followed by our program, we often consult during hospitalizations to optimize ventilator care and coordinate respiratory equipment needs.

Family education

We recommend that all patients living on long-term ventilation have two fully trained care providers familiar with their ventilator equipment, needs, and care, including troubleshooting and identifying emergencies. Once a family chooses long-term ventilation and identifies two caregivers willing and able to fully participate in training, our goal is to answer questions and give hands-on practice so that the family feels safe upon discharge from the hospital.

Outpatient follow-up

Our multidisciplinary team recommends that most patients using long-term ventilation have follow-up visits with us approximately every three months though some patients require more frequent visits due to their health needs. In addition, all patients should continue to see their local primary care provider.

Ventilator weaning

A portion of patients who use long-term ventilation can wean from the ventilator at some point in their lives, but for others, the need for long-term ventilation is lifelong. Our physicians are happy to discuss this in the context of your family member’s individual care.

Referrals and appointments

Clinic information

Referring physicians and families can contact us to find out more about our pediatric pulmonary and multidisciplinary clinics and sleep services, which include:

Pediatric Pulmonology Clinic

2521 Stockton Boulevard, 3rd Floor
Sacramento, CA

The pediatric pulmonology clinic is located in the Glassrock Building on the UC Davis Health campus.

View map and directions

For physician referrals or appointments


To see one of our specialists, a referral is required from your child’s primary care physician.