Services and Clinics | Pediatric Pulmonology | UC Davis Children's Hospital

Our services

Our multidisciplinary pediatric pulmonology services include diagnosis and treatment for a wide variety of complex respiratory illnesses in infants, children, and teens and offers comprehensive outpatient and inpatient consultation and services.

  • pediatric patient in office with asthma care team

    Severe asthma clinic

    The severe asthma clinic provides comprehensive care for pediatric patients with severe and treatment resistant asthma. Our multidisciplinary team works together to confirm the diagnosis of asthma, identify factors impacting the severity of symptoms, and optimize a treatment plan for children and their families.

    More about severe asthma services
  • Pulmonologist Jhawar performing check-up on young boy in doctor's office

    Pediatric cystic fibrosis program

    Our pediatric cystic fibrosis program provides high standards of care to children of all ages, from neonates to those 21 years of age. Our center follows established guidelines of the National Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and is accredited by the foundation. Our comprehensive multidisciplinary team includes gastroenterology and endocrinology specialists available for in-person visits, along with a registered nurse, respiratory therapist, registered dietitian and a social worker. The program also offers an online cystic fibrosis support group which meets on a recurring basis.

  • UC Davis Children's Hospital building, exterior photo

    Pediatric long-term ventilation clinic

    Our pediatric long-term ventilation program (also commonly called “home ventilation”) offers care for patients who live with a need for mechanical help with breathing on a day-to-day basis due to chronic respiratory conditions. Our team includes pediatric pulmonary physicians (pediatric pulmonologists), registered nurses, respiratory therapists, registered dietitians and social workers to help children thrive and help families meet the needs of children living with medical complexity that includes the inability to breathe independently.

    More about our long-term ventilation program
  • Pediatric pulmonary hypertension clinic

    Our pediatric pulmonary hypertension outpatient clinic provides a patient-centered, multidisciplinary approach unique in the Sacramento region. Patient and their families may go to an appointment and see multiple physicians, a respiratory therapist, registered dietitian and a social worker – all within a single visit.

    More about our pulmonary hypertension clinic
  • A healthcare worker with a mother and her child sitting in a room having a conversation.

    Pediatric aerodigestive clinic

    The pediatric aerodigestive clinic offers families a coordinated, multidisciplinary approach to care for complex and challenging conditions such as airway obstruction, chronic cough, dysphagia and other breathing, swallowing and digestive disorders. Children can be seen by multiple specialists in a single clinic visit and care can be coordinated to create a unified care plan and minimize the number of procedures. 

    More about our aerodigestive services
  • UC Davis Children's Hospital building, exterior photo

    Pediatric neuromuscular disease clinic

    Pediatric pulmonary specialists are available in our neuromuscular disease (NMD) clinic to assess respiratory function. That includes various pulmonary function tests and the review of tests. This service is also very helpful in providing consistent help with respiratory care equipment needs to NMD patients. In addition to treating established respiratory issues, this clinic provides anticipatory guidance to NMD patients on respiratory issues.

  • Pediatric sickle cell clinic, patient with care team member

    Pulmonary sickle cell clinic

    Our comprehensive pulmonary sickle cell clinic is designed to address breathing and respiratory complications of sickle cell disease such as asthma, exercise intolerance, and sleep disordered breathing. By imbedding the pediatric pulmonologist into the sickle cell clinic, patients are receiving continuity from the same team that provides their regular sickle cell care, with the added benefit of addressing breathing problems with the help of a lung expert.

    We provide pulmonary function testing and home sleep studies from our location in the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center.

  • Sleep lab team with young patient in a clinical setting

    Pediatric sleep services

    Our comprehensive sleep clinic offers diagnosis and treatment for sleep conditions including obstructive sleep apnea, central sleep apnea, insomnia, disorders of excessive daytime sleepiness, parasomnia, insomnia and sleep issues in children with developmental disabilities. We have three board certified sleep physicians, sleep medicine fellows, respiratory therapists and a sleep psychologist working at our sleep center. Our sleep lab, located at the UC Davis Midtown Clinic, offers inpatient and outpatient sleep studies for children across all age groups

    More about our sleep lab servicesUC Davis Midtown Clinic - sleep lab location
  • Children's Hospital building

    Bronchoscopy services

    Our bronchoscopy services are offered both at inpatient and outpatient sites and include flexible laryngoscopy, bronchoscopy, bronchial lavages and bronchial biopsies. Pediatric flexible bronchoscopy technology is a minimally invasive technique for directly visualizing and evaluating your child’s airway anatomy using a flexible fiberoptic viewing tube. Our bronchoscopy procedures are often combined with other services such as otolaryngology and gastroenterology services.

  • pediatric patient taking spirometry test with respiratory therapist

    Pulmonary function testing services

    Our pulmonary function testing services include a group of tests that allow us to measure how well the lungs are working. We conduct several different types including spirometry, fraction exhaled nitric oxide testing and exercise testing. These are non-invasive methods in which the patient demonstrates how fast and hard they can blow to assess the function of the lungs. Pulmonary function tests help physicians understand and evaluate different types of lung disorders and assess how well lungs are responding to certain treatments.

Referrals and appointments

Clinic information

Referring physicians and families can contact us to find out more about our pediatric pulmonary and multidisciplinary clinics and sleep services, which include:

Pediatric Pulmonology Clinic

2521 Stockton Boulevard, 3rd Floor
Sacramento, CA

The pediatric pulmonology clinic is located in the Glassrock Building on the UC Davis Health campus.

View map and directions

For physician referrals or appointments


To see one of our specialists, a referral is required from your child’s primary care physician.