Resources to support self-paced education in anti-racism | UC Davis Health

Self-paced Education and Resources for Learning

Addressing Anti-Semitism UC Davis

Anti-Semitism in Our Midst: Past and Present
YouTube video charting the history of anti-Semitism from it's origins to today.

Understanding Judaism - "A Christian's Guide to Judaism" by Michael Lotker, Stimulus Books, 2004.
Note that many Jews follow the concept "Tikkun Olam" - central to Judaism and how many were raised in that Jews are taught to actively "repair the world," work on the world's problems and solve them - hunger, disease, war, poverty, education, environment, etc.

United States Holocaust Museum

Addressing Islamophobia

Islamophobia 101
YWCA of Minneapolis outlines Islamophobia and common misconceptions of Muslim identities.

Ramadan Resources
Ramadan Resource Guide developed by Professor Mairaj Syed in the UC Davis Religious Studies department.

Training and Resources from Safe Black Space
Includes Cultural Trauma Tool Kit, Mind Body and Spirit Resource Guide, COVID-19 

When and How to Respond to Microaggressions
Harvard Business Review, July 2020.

Surviving & Resisting Hate: A Toolkit for People of Color

Family­Care, Community­Care and Self­Care Tool Kit: Healing in the Face of Cultural Trauma
Association of Black Psychologists.

The Trauma Of Being Black In America
Podcast show from 1A, WAMU 88.5, distributed by NPR.

COVID-19: Addressing Health Disparities in the African American Community
A UC Davis Health panel of health care providers address health disparities in the African American community and discussed myths surrounding coronavirus and COVID 19. 

Reading Recommendations

  • How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi
  • Whistling Vivaldi: How Stereotypes Affect Us and What We Can Do by Claude M. Steele
  • Our History Is the Future: Standing Rock Versus the Dakota Access Pipeline, and the Long Tradition of Indigenous Resistance by Nick Estes
  • Superior: The Return of Race Science by Angela Saini
  • Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge
  • Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor by Layla F. Saad
  • More reading recommendations

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UC Davis Campus Anti-Racism Resources

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