Parking Services offers a waitlist option for employees wishing to purchase a D permit in Parking Structure 1, Parking Structure 2 and Parking Structure 3.

Eligible employee with access to their online parking account (, may add themselves to the waitlist for up to 3 locations at any time. As space becomes available, Parking Services will offer D permits to employees at the prevailing rate, on a first-come, first-served basis, in order individual requests were added. Please note that signing up on the waitlist does not guarantee current or future permit eligibility.

To sign up:

  1. Login to your online parking account, using your Kerberos username and passphrase, and two-factor authentication.
  2. Click the “Order Permit” icon
  3. Agree to the terms
  4. Select the permit type: “D Permit – Auto Pay Credit Card…”
  5. Scroll down to the location(s) you wish to sign up for, and click [Join Waiting List]. (locations not available for the wait list will show “Sold Out”)
  6. You will get a popup window confirming “your request to join the waitlist has been submitted.” Click [Continue]
  7. Repeat steps 2-6 for each location you would like to join on the wait list.

If you are unable to log in, please send an email to with the following information:

  • Your Kerberos Username (the one you use to log into UC Path). Remember: NEVER send your password by email or share it with anyone.
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address

To view your place on the waitlists(s):

  1. Login to your online parking account, using your Kerberos username and passphrase, and two-factor authentication.
  2. Click “Permits” from the left menu
  3. Waitlists you are signed up for will be displayed, including your current position.


What happens when my number come up?
Parking Services will contact you by email with instructions on how to claim your permit. 

How much does it cost?
There is no charge to join the waitlist. When your number comes up, permits will be sold at the prevailing rate. (current rates: )

How many wait lists can I join?
You may join up to 3 lists at a time

What if I am currently payroll-deducted?
Choose “Auto Pay Credit Card” when signing up on the waitlist. When your number comes up, contact the Parking office instead of completing the purchase, to be grandfathered in; the Parking office can set you up for payroll-deductions for your new D permit.

Can I remove myself from a waitlist?
Yes. If you no longer wish to be on a waitlist: Follow the steps above to view your place on the waitlist. Click the red [X] next to the list you wish to leave. Click [Yes, Leave Waitlist] to confirm. CAUTION: if you leave a waitlist, your place in line cannot be recovered. Re-joining the list will place you last in line again.