There’s a network of people out there who may be ready and willing to be your living kidney donor. All you have to do is reach out to them – but that can feel like an overwhelming task.

That’s where your living donor navigator comes in.

Donor Navigator Logo

The role of donor navigators

Your living donor navigator is someone ready to take up the charge to help teach others about your condition and your transplant options. It can be difficult to ask someone to consider living donation. Many recipients in need of a kidney transplant are afraid to reach out, feel embarrassed or don’t know who to ask.

Your donor navigator does this for you. They are your advocate – sharing your personal story and educating others about kidney disease, living donation, risks, outcomes and more – allowing you to focus on your treatment and health.

Navigators reach out to friends, family members, work and faith communities – even strangers – to help educate and encourage them to consider living kidney donation, increasing the chance that a living donor may be identified. They can write letters, send emails, set up a Facebook community page, use Twitter to reach potential kidney donors, and even host events on your behalf.

Your donor navigator may be:
 • A close friend or family member who wants to help but who may not be able to donate
 • A child or parent who are too young or old to donate
 • A colleague who excels at organizing events
 • Someone who has already donated or received a kidney transplant, or their family members
 • Anyone willing to help

Living Donor Navigator Flyer    

Living Donor Navigator Brochure

Interested in being a Living Donor Navigator, contact UC Davis Transplant Center Living Donor Program at 916-734-2307 for an Information Packet