Tasleem Chechi | Center for Healthcare Policy and Research

Our Staff

Tasleem Chechi's photoTasleem Chechi, M.P.H.
Project Policy Analyst; CA Quits Program

Tasleem Chechi has over 10 years of experience in research, community health and epidemiology. She works with CHPR's CA Quits team as the quality data analyst.

Previously, Tasleem was the program manager for the UC Davis Emergency Department Public Health Screening Program, where she assisted an emergency medicine physician in launching a robust program that identified patients infected with HIV, hepatitis C and/or syphilis and assisted in linking them to care. Furthermore, she has worked at several local health departments as a senior health educator and a supervisor for the health education unit. In addition, she has FEMA Emergency Management Institute Public Information Officer training and was a public information office for Sutter County for one and a half years. She has extensive public speaking skills and has presented at various venues on community health issues, such as tobacco, alcohol, infectious diseases and emergency preparedness during natural disasters. She has published peer-reviewed articles on clinical trials and health disparities. She has also served on numerous committees and task forces focused on community health, emergency preparedness, and chronic and infectious disease surveillance for local health departments.

Tasleem's work has been recognized by UC Davis Health's Faculty and Professional Development program with the Deans' 2019-2020 Team Award for Excellence.