Investigator Resources

Virtual Office Hours

The UC Davis CTSC offers consultations on a variety of topics. These consultations are an opportunity for investigators to consult with experts in a friendly, informal setting. Refer to the list below for topics. Visit the Event Calendar to confirm dates.

1 - 2 p.m. on the first and third Monday (WebEx)
12 - 2 p.m. every Tuesday (WebEx)
Schedule an appointment

In order to efficiently and effectively meet the statistical needs of clinical and translational investigators at UC Davis, the CTSC - in collaboration with the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center - maintain office hours for statistical consultations. These office hours are an opportunity for investigators to consult with a statistician about the design, analysis or presentation of medical research studies in a friendly, informal setting.

Due to the popularity of these programs, investigators interested in attending an office hours event are asked to reserve a spot in advance. Limit of 1 spot per week per project for up to 2 projects.

For more information, contact Jeff Fine at

12 - 2 p.m.
Third Friday of every month (Zoom)
Drop in or schedule an appointment
Email questions in advance to

Get help with the following:

  • What EMR Research options could help me in my research?
    • Workbench reports
    • Contraindicated medication
    • Best practice alerts
    • Participant recruitment
  • Where do I find information about the billing report?
  • How do I grant EMR access to my study monitor?
  • How do I find patients associated with a research study in the EMR?
  • How do I recruit patients for a study?
  • How do I submit a request for an EMR enhancement?

Noon to 1 p.m.
Bi-weekly on Fridays, beginning January 24, 2025 (Zoom)
Reference the CTSC event calendar for specific dates.

Drop in or schedule an appointment by sending an email to Email questions in advance to

The CTSC Clinical Trial Management System Operations Office offers Florence office hours to provide complimentary assistance with the following:
•    What is Florence and how it can benefit you
•    How to get started, training and access
•    How to request Florence eBinders

9:15 - 10 a.m.
Every Thursday
Schedule an appointment
Email questions in advance to

HERO staff can help research teams to:

  • Bring stakeholder perspectives into the development of a research question
  • Identify recruitment and retention strategies for adolescent and young adults, older adults, and other special populations
  • Identify data collection tools and approaches for hard-to-reach populations
  • Develop proposal sections related to stakeholder engagement plans and partnerships
  • Effectively disseminate findings to diverse communities
  • Make their clinical research more inclusive, relevant, and accessible

For more information send an email to

9-10 a.m.
Last Thursday of every month (Teams)
Drop in or schedule an appointment by sending an email to

The Clinical Trial Management System Operations Office (CTMS Ops) provides complimentary assistance with the following:

  • Protocol Shell Builds
  • Calendar / Specification Builds
  • Coverage Analysis
  • Study Budget Financials in OnCore
  • Identification of Internal Costs
  • Internal Budget (formerly UBT) in OnCore

12 - 2 p.m.
Fourth Friday of every month (Zoom)
Drop in or schedule an appointment

Get help with the following:

  • How do I get access to REDCap?
  • How do we administer simple recruitment surveys in REDCap?
  • How do we create longitudinal studies with automatic follow-up surveys in REDCap?
  • How do we administer multi-site studies in REDCap?

For more information about this event, contact the CTSC Clinical Research Education program at

For general REDCap questions, send an email to

2 to 3 p.m.
First Tuesday of every month
Contact Melissa Sullivan at to schedule an appointment.

The School of Medicine Office of Research Evaluation Unit office hours are designed to support CTSC and UC Davis Health researchers' needs and provide an informal setting for researchers to ask questions.

Examples of brief consult areas include:

  • Evaluation planning and design
  • Qualitative research methodologies
  • Survey design
  • Survey related support using Qualtrics survey software
  • Data visualization - good design practices for charts, graphs, and visualization

For more information, contact Melissa Sullivan at

2 – 3 p.m.
Third Tuesday of every month 
Drop in

Research administrators, bring your Pre- and Post- Award questions to our team of subject matter experts from the School of Medicine Office of Research, Research Administration Unit and the School of Medicine Finance Operations and Administration (FOA) team. 

Examples of office hour questions:

  • Reviewing an RFA
  • Budget questions
  • Institutional forms or requirements
  • Reporting requirements
  • Aggie Enterprise processes
  • Research administration in clinical trials
  • Policy interpretation

For more information visit UC Davis School of Medicine Office of Research Administration Unit or contact contact

12 to 1 p.m.
Third Tuesday of every month (Zoom)
Drop in only

Get help with the following:

  • What is Studypages and how can I get started?
  • What advanced features of Studypages can I discover?
  • How can Studypages benefit my study?
  • Is Studypages HIPAA compliant?
  • Do I need to obtain IRB approval to use Studypages?
  • How do I recruit subjects for my study?
  • How do I track potential leads and/or enrollees for my study?
  • How do I communicate with my participants?

12 - 1 p.m. 
Every Friday  (Zoom)
Drop in

Get help with the following:

  • Does my project require IRB review?
  • How do I obtain IRB approval?
  • How do I submit a protocol deviation to the IRB?
  • How do I obtain ancillary approvals, e.g., IT evaluation, Radiation Use Committee?

For more information, contact