Professional Development for Residents and Fellows | Graduate Medical Education | UC Davis School of Medicine

Professional Development for Residents and Fellows

The Office of Resident and Fellow Development supports trainees' professional development and academic success. Director Cloe Le Gall-Scoville, Ph.D., offers individual coaching appointments as well as workshops and coaching to groups, teams, and programs.

Individual Coaching

Coaching is a partnership between coach and client that helps individuals maximize their personal and professional potential and fulfillment.

With the support of a coach and ongoing check-ins, trainees can work on academic, productivity, career/leadership, and communication goals. Describe your desired outcome, deepen your self-awareness, explore options, set goals, craft a plan, take action, and monitor your progress.

Individual coaching is provided to all residents and fellows at no-cost through the GME Office. Coaching is confidential and the content of coaching sessions is not disclosed to departments or GME unless there are safety concerns.

Potential Coaching Topics

  • Learning strategies, study plans, test taking (Step 3, in-service training exams, specialty boards)
  • Processing and incorporating feedback, setting and meeting performance goals

  • Time/task management, efficiency and organization with patient visits, messaging, and documentation
  • Project management (research/QI)
  • Work-life integration

  • Leadership skills and styles
  • Career design: Priorities, values, decisions, mentorship, and timelines
  • Career services: Review of application materials for jobs/fellowships, interview prep

  • Interpersonal communication skills, harnessing emotional intelligence, managing conflict, professionalism, delivering feedback, public speaking, writing support

Workshops and Team Coaching

Dr. Le Gall-Scoville is available by invitation to present to programs. Below is a list of workshops previously delivered to residents and fellows as well as potential topics. She is also able to develop curricula upon request to meet program needs. 

  • Giving and Receiving Feedback (in collaboration with Wellness)
  • Interpersonal Communication and Conflict Management
  • Leadership Styles and Emotional Intelligence
  • Maximizing Mentorship as Mentor and Mentee
  • Productivity Tips for E-mail and Calendar
  • Strategies for Exam Prep
  • Study Routines and Other Habits for Success
  • Taking Charge of Your Exam Performance (in collaboration with Wellness)
  • Test Taking Strategies
  • Time Management for Physicians
  • Understanding and Working through Procrastination (in collaboration with Wellness)
  • Values-Based Career Design

Additionally, Dr. Le Gall-Scoville is also available to coach teams around shared goals, as well as hold processing spaces for program feedback in collaboration with Wellness colleagues. 

For more information contact:

Cloe Le Gall-Scoville, Ph.D.

Cloe Le Gall-Scoville, Ph.D.
Director, Resident and Fellow Development
Phone: 916-734-4569