Quality and Patient Safety | Graduate Medical Education | UC Davis School of Medicine

Quality Improvement and Patient Safety

Watch Videovideo iconHealthcare quality improvement initiatives at UC Davis Health System
Brief interviews with clinical care providers who have led healthcare quality improvement projects at UC Davis Medical Center.

The Institute of Medicine’s landmark 1999 report, To Err is Human, attributed medical errors to 98,000 preventable deaths annually in U.S. hospitals; subsequent analysis estimated over 210,000 preventable deaths. Emphasis has been placed on systems-based practice and practice-based learning to promote patient safety and quality care. Within graduate medical education, the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education requires residents to participate in quality improvement and patient safety programs. The UC Davis Health Graduate Medical Education Office offers educational programs in quality improvement and patient safety for a range of learning levels. Our aim is to develop curricula to advocate for high quality and safe care, model effective care, promote high value care, enable clinicians to effectively work within interprofessional teams, identify system errors, implement potential systems solutions, and foster a culture of patient safety.

The following are some of our current Graduate Medical Education (GME) Quality and Patient Safety Initiatives for residents, fellows, and their supervising faculty members:

  • Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Office Hours
  • GME High Value Competition Award
  • GME Good Catch Award
  • Hospital and Clinic-Based Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Projects
  • Basic Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Training web series (6 hours)
  • 2-Day Quality Improvement Workshop (12 hours)
  • UC Davis Annual Quality Forum

Ulfat Shaikh, M.D., M.P.H., M.S.

Ulfat Shaikh, M.D., M.P.H., M.S.
Medical Director, Healthcare Quality Professor, Department of Pediatrics