Social Media Standards

Social media is a powerful outreach tool and gives UC Davis Health the opportunity to connect with our audiences and disseminate relevant news to the community.

All UC Davis Health social media pages should contain a profile picture. These images appear in multiple small sizes and often share a standard square proportion.

The use of the UC Davis Health logo in social media profile pictures is reserved for the UC Davis Health master brand. All other departments and groups should use iconic and identifiable photographs.

Before starting a new account please submit a new social media account request form. Once your form is submitted, the social team will reach out to you with next steps.

For any additional social media or brand questions, please review our social media toolkit or contact our social team at hs‑

Examples of UC Davis Health Twitter and Facebook accounts on mobile

Examples of UC Davis Health’s Facebook (left) and Instagram (right) accounts.

Website standards

All UC Davis Health sub-brands, departments, centers and units that have a public facing Web component must use the health system’s centralized content management system (CMS). The CMS is managed by the digital communications team and designed to meet all brand standards and Web industry best practices.

To see our CMS training schedule, request access to an existing site or request a new site, please see the digital communications intranet webpage.

For technical support or Web related questions, please contact the digital communications team at hs‑

UC Davis Health brand website templates across different devices

UC Davis Health’s Open Enrollment website using the newly redesigned CMS templates.