UC Davis Health Logos

The UC Davis Health logo is the most visible representation of our brand. To ensure consistent usage across the organization and all associated entities and sub-brands, please use the UC Davis Health logo in accordance with the following standards.

General use

UC Davis Health logoThe primary brand signature is the most prominent representation of the UC Davis Health brand and represents the campus as a whole. It is configured to appear on its own or in conjunction with the range of sub-brands and units that comprise UC Davis Health.

For printed marketing materials, the primary brand should always be the two-color (gold and navy) stacked logo, on a white background. Please do not create your own logos. Download the UC Davis Health logo.

Logo clear space and spacing requirements

Example of the logo spacing requirements It is always important to follow our spacing and clear space requirements. The minimum spacing requirement is 0.25 inches and should always be used when placing the primary or sub-brand logos into a printed design.

Example of the logo clear space requirementsProviding clear and uncluttered space around the logo helps the audience see it quickly and reinforces our brand. You can determine how much clear space should be provided around the signature by using the width of the “D” in UC Davis. Learn more about clear space and size requirements.

Sub-brand logo usage

Specific logo lockups are available for UC Davis Health sub-brands. The sub-brands include the Medical Center, Children’s Hospital, School of Medicine, the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing, Comprehensive Cancer Center, the MIND Institute and the Rehabilitation Hospital.

Each logo is positioned in a specific size and spatial relationship. This relationship cannot be altered. The two-color (gold and navy) stacked logo, with the sub-brand in navy, on a white background, is the preferred usage of sub-brand logos. Download the sub-brand logos.

 Display of UC Davis Health sub-brand logos

 UC Davis Health Rehabilitation Hospital

Note: Refer to School of Medicine and School of Nursing sub-brand logos usage below.

School of Medicine and School of Nursing sub-brand logos usage

The School of Medicine and School of Nursing sub-brand logos should only be used for student facing (includes residents and fellows) print and digital materials, research posters (refer to our research poster templates), and faculty and staff business materials and presentations.

Please do not use School of Medicine or School of Nursing sub-brand logos on any patient facing deliverables. Always refer to the UC Davis Health primary brand logo for any patient related print and digital materials.

For specific requests or concerns, email Public Affairs and Marketing at hs-marketing@ucdavis.edu.

Tertiary or department/unit type treatments

UC Davis Health’s brand standards do not include custom program or center logos other than the primary and sub-brand logos. It instead relies on the strength of the overall UC Davis Health brand.

UC Davis Health tertiary brand example          UC Davis Health tertiary brand example

Individual entities falling under the UC Davis Health brand or sub-brands are provided a typographic solution that allows their name to be prominently displayed in conjunction with UC Davis Health and/or sub-brand names. Titling variations include extending the gold rule to add program names in Proxima Nova Bold.

Visit our typographic library to download department/unit treatments.

Use of the UC Davis seal

The UC Davis seal

The UC Davis seal is reserved for chancellor-level communications and official UC Davis correspondence.

All staff and faculty are required to adhere to the appropriate use of the seal and not misuse, resize or abuse the importance and legacy of the university insignia.

Guidelines for approved and excluded applications have been provided to keep the seal consistent across communications.

Based on UC Davis’ updated guidelines, Public Affairs & Marketing has created a business card option and letterhead design options for UC Davis Health entities incorporating the seal that are available for approved applications only. These can be ordered through Repro Graphics.

Other resources

For additional guidance and information review the following areas:

Logo color treatments


Approved logo usage – primary

Approved logo usage – sub-brand

Layout best practices

Use of the UC Davis Health name and/or logo by an outside entity/partner is strictly prohibited without written permission by the Public Affairs & Marketing. For questions regarding the use of the UC Davis Health name or logo contact hs-marketing@ucdavis.edu