Update: Masking in effect for those who've declined flu vaccination

Update: Team members who have submitted an approved flu vaccine declination or are listed as non-compliant for meeting the flu vaccination requirement are now required to wear a medical-grade mask over their noses and mouths while at UC Davis Health locations through the flu season (typically April). Employee Labor Relations will contact non-compliant employees for further action.
As flu season approaches, it's crucial to protect yourself and others. The Occupational and Employee Health Clinic (OEHC) offers free flu vaccines to help prevent severe disease and hospitalization among staff, students, and faculty.
All UC Davis Health staff and faculty must have received their flu vaccination or submitted an opt-out form by Nov. 1.

Flu vaccination rates declined to 79.9% last year due to vaccine fatigue. As of Monday, Oct. 28, we are at 74.2%. This year's goal is 85%. This is one of the critical quality and safety data points U.S. News uses to rank hospitals nationwide, and our flu vaccination rate is below average compared to other health systems nationwide.
Those who have submitted a flu declination form or are non-compliant with the flu vaccination requirements listed below** must wear a medical-grade mask in all settings starting this Friday (11/1). Masks must be worn on campus throughout the flu season (typically through April).
Free Upcoming Employee Flu Vaccination Clinics
- OEHC in Cypress Building
Dates: Monday through Friday, except holidays
Hours: 7 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Walk-in Basis: Appointments preferred
You will be required to present your UC Davis Health badge

Eligible Groups*
- Employees
- UC Davis Medical Students, with a badge
- Temporary Employment Services (TES) Workers
- Volunteers through Volunteer Services only
*Please note:
- Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing students and the UC Davis main campus employees working on the Sacramento Campus must receive their flu vaccination through a third party (Rite Aid, CVS, Walgreens, etc.) or their primary care physician.
Team members who received the flu vaccination in their home department, please do not submit self-administration forms to OEHC for processing. If you have received your vaccine and are given a self-administration form, you must provide your manager/supervisor with the form to upload into the Flu Tracker. This also applies to all employees who received their vaccine at the MIND Institute. If your supervisor/manager needs access to the Flu Tracker, please send your name, email address, cost center, and your manager's phone number to hs-ehsflunotify@ucdavis.edu.
Team members who received the flu vaccination from their primary care provider (even if it's UC Davis Health) or another location, such as CVS, Safeway, or Walgreens, may now upload records into the OEHC system.
Before uploading your vaccination record, ensure it follows these guidelines:
- Documentation includes your legal name, date of birth, or other identifier and vaccine information. (A medical record number will not be accepted as an identifier.)
- "Kaiser paper slips" are not acceptable as proof of vaccination. Proof of receiving the flu vaccine should be obtained from your MyChart account, including your legal name, date of birth, and immunization information.
Instructions for uploading documentation are located on the Occupational and Employee Health Clinic Flu Information Page.
Download the 2024 Flu Vaccination Flyer and post it on your employee bulletin boards.

**Compliance Deadline - By Nov. 1, 2024, employees must have completed one of the following:
- Received the vaccine through OEHC flu vaccination offerings
- Participated in the self-administration program with various departments/units
- Received the flu vaccine from their primary care provider or pharmacies such as CVS or Walgreens (You may upload documentation beginning Oct. 1. Instructions are on the Occupational and Employee Health Clinic Flu Information Page.)
- Declined to receive the vaccine via the online form (You may submit a declination form starting Oct. 1. Instructions are on the Occupational and Employee Health Clinic Flu Information Page.)
Flu Tracker Update
- For managers and supervisors, if you had issues updating the Flu Tracker before October 2, you must re-enter that data. Information Technology is reporting that it is now working correctly.
Please direct all questions to hs-ehsflunotify@ucdavis.edu.