Assistant Dean for Research and Director, School of Medicine Office of Research

Anuurad Erdembileg, M.D.

Anuurad Erdembileg, M.D., Ph.D., M.A.S., is the Assistant Dean for Research for the UC Davis School of Medicine. He reports to the Dean and Associate Deans for Research to oversee Office of Research program activity.

Erdembileg oversees an annual research operating budget of approximately $10 million, and administers Office of Research support programs including bridge funding, limited submission, and institutional matching funds. He also provides managerial oversight for units within that office centered around grant facilitation, research operations, safety management and research space planning.

Erdembileg serves as a key resource on a variety of committees related to research, such as: new research initiatives and programs, faculty recruitment, Vice Chairs for Research, translational research integration and compliance, and Administrative Coordinating Council of Deans (ACCD). He also serves in an advisory role to other dean's office research programs, initiatives and efforts.

Prior to joining the School of Medicine executive leadership team, Erdembileg had a strong background in both clinical and basic science, including more than 10 years of experience in public health, epidemiological study designs, and biostatistics analyses of data and translational epidemiological studies. At UC Davis he undertook multiple studies on the importance of a constellation of cardiovascular risk factors and their variability across ethnically diverse populations. Many of the results to date have focused on the characterization of high-risk phenotypes, and have aimed to analyze synergistic, contributory effects of different risk factor classes. He also completed UC Davis CTSC-funded Mentored Clinical Research Training Program (MCRTP) and KL2 program. 

This experience has provided Erdembileg a strong knowledge base in areas such as study design, epidemiology, statistics, and strategies for grant application, and expanded his translational knowledge.

Erdembileg received his M.D. from the Mongolian National Medical University in Mongolia, and his Ph.D. from the Shimane University School of Medicine in Japan.