Community Partnerships | UC Davis School of Medicine

Caring for our Communities

Building Community Partnerships with A Purpose

We are cultivating strong community partnerships to improve health for all.

Dr. Arnaud Bewley shows students from Sacramento High School how to repair fractured facial bones on polymer skulls.
Jessica De Laguna is one of the first scholors of the new AvenueM pathway program
Addressing Rural primary care shortages

Robust Pathway Programs

UC Davis School of Medicine recently launched a new collaborative pre-med pathway program for community college students, AvenueM, to address the shortage of primary care physicians in California’s rural, medically vulnerable areas. AvenueM is one of several of our innovative pathway programs to help diversify California’s physician workforce to advance health equity and improve the health of communities statewide.

UC Davis Provost Mary S. Croughan
The new AvenueM program is critical for students who have the aptitude and desire to enter the medical fields yet may not have believed attainment was within their reach … AvenueM will help us better fulfill our commitment to serve students from all backgrounds as well as our region as a whole.UC Davis Provost Mary S. Croughan
helping our community

Student-run Clinics

For more than 50 years, the nationally recognized UC Davis affiliated student-run clinics and nonprofit partners have provided free health care to thousands of uninsured, low-income and other under-resourced communities throughout Sacramento. The clinics are a vital health care safety net for diverse patient populations, and our medical students and physicians are trained to provide high-quality, linguistically and culturally sensitive health care. 

Statistics are for the fiscal year 2020 (July 2019 – June 2020), as reported in UC Davis Health′s community investments highlights (PDF).

Advancing Health Equity
  • Office of Student and Resident Diversity

    The Office of Student and Resident Diversity works to create an environment of inclusion and respect, and actively recruits and fosters the development of a physician workforce that reflects the rich diversity of our world. The office offers several community outreach programs for K-12 students and undergraduate and community college students to help cultivate an early interest in medicine and science. 

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  • Center for a Diverse Healthcare Workforce

    The Center for a Diverse Healthcare Workforce leads research focused on recruiting, training and retaining a diverse health care workforce to advance health equity in our communities. The center engages in research, shares findings, promotes best practices, and works to create partnerships and programs that advance educational opportunities in under-resourced communities.

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  • Center for Reducing Health Disparities

    The Center for Reducing Health Disparities promotes the health and well-being of diverse communities through research, training, continuing education, and technical assistance within a prevention, early intervention and treatment framework.

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