More than 3,000 children are injured each year from falling out of windows

UC Davis Health offers tips to help keep kids safe this summer as warm weather increases risks


Each year, around eight children, age 5 or under, die and about another 3,300 are injured from falling out of windows in the United States. These injuries are more common during the spring and summer months since families tend to open their windows during warm weather.

Hand of person using key to lock window handle
Make sure to lock windows.

At UC Davis Children's Hospital, about 25 children each year are hospitalized after falling from windows. Jennifer Rubin, injury prevention specialist and SafeKids Greater Sacramento coordinator, reminds everyone that screens will not stop a child from falling out of windows.

4 tips to prevent children from falling out of windows

1. Install window stops to ensure that your windows cannot open more than four inches.
2. Move sofas, chairs, cribs, tables and other furniture away from windows so children cannot climb on them to access windows.
3. If you have windows that open from both top and bottom, make a habit of opening just the top to prevent accidental falls. Close after use.
4. Do not leave young children at home unsupervised.

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