Faculty Senate | UC Davis School of Medicine

School of Medicine Faculty Senate

Duties and Responsibilities of the Executive Committee - Bylaw Article 4.2213

The Faculty Executive Committee shall consider all matters of general concern to the Faculty. Bring before the Faculty any recommendations generated by it, by the other Standing Committees and by Special Committees of the Faculty. Make recommendations to the Faculty concerning the disposition of existing or new departments and organized divisions into groups defined in Article 4.0. Circulate to the Faculty all important motions at least two days in advance of the regular meeting of the Faculty. Act for the Faculty within the Bylaws and Regulations of the Faculty of the School of Medicine (PDF). All actions taken on behalf of the Faculty shall be reported to the Faculty at the next meeting. Appoint ad hoc committees as necessary.

The Standing Committees of FEC include the:

  • Admissions Committee
  • Committee for Research Affairs
  • Committee on Committees
  • Committee on Educational Policy
  • Committee on Faculty Affairs
  • Committee on Honors and Awards
  • Committee on Student Promotions

General Faculty Meetings

FEC hosts General Faculty Meetings for all faculty quarterly. These meetings typically occur virtually on the last Wednesday of September, January, and May, 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Meeting materials from the GFM are available on this SharePoint site.

Annual Faculty Awards

There are six faculty award categories overseen by the Committee on Educational Policy, the Committee on Honors and Awards, the Committee on Research Affairs. The nomination period is open annually, between November - February/April (depending on the award). Full details on each award are available below.

The School of Medicine is pleased to announce the Early-Stage Educator Award, recognizing outstanding contributions to teaching by early-career faculty. This award honors innovative approaches to education and impactful mentorship within our community.

Nominations closed 8 a.m., Monday, January 13, 2025.

The Committee on Honors and Awards welcome nominations from faculty, staff, and students.

Key evaluation criteria include:

  • Quality of Teaching: Evidence of engaging and effective instructional practices.
  • Mentorship: Commitment to guiding and supporting learners.
  • Curriculum Development: Contributions to improving or developing educational programs.
  • Leadership and Inspiration: Ability to motivate peers and students.
  • Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Efforts to create inclusive and supportive learning environments.

To be eligible for this award, candidates must not have achieved full rank in their series (e.g., Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, Lecturers, or equivalent), and have been employed at UC Davis for a minimum of three years.

Pre-nomination letters of no more than two pages are being solicited from the faculty, alumni, staff, and students. The letter should describe the nominee’s qualifications that set the candidate apart as a distinguished educator based on the outlined criteria and their curriculum vitae. Letters for AY24-25 were due Jan. 13, 2025.

After the review of pre-nomination applications, a full nomination packet will be requested for the top nominees, including teaching evaluations and other pertinent documents. The full nomination packet of top nominees will be requested by February 12, 2025, and will be due by March 12, 2025, for consideration by the committee.

Nomination contact:
Lao Thao
Office of Medical Education School of Medicine
University of California, Davis 4610 X Street, Suite 2101D
Sacramento, CA 95817
Tel. 916-734-3530
e-mail: lythao@ucdavis.edu

The recipient of the Early-Stage Educator Award will receive a plaque and a monetary honorarium, with an announcement and presentation at the School of Medicine’s Graduation and Awards Banquet held annually in May.

The School of Medicine proudly introduces the Emerging Leader Award to recognize the exceptional contributions of early-stage faculty who elevate the university’s profile.

Nominations closed at 8 a.m., Monday, January 13, 2025.

This award honors early-career faculty who demonstrate outstanding progress in academic achievements, community engagement, and/or public service. Contributions may include innovative research activities, and/or impactful outreach initiatives.

Eligible faculty are Associate and Assistant Professors, or equivalent, in any series. Candidates must have been employed at UC Davis for a minimum of three years prior to the award nomination.

Nominations should include a brief (1 to 2 pages) letter summarizing the candidate's achievements, career trajectory, impact, and promotion of diversity, equity, and inclusion along with a current curriculum vitae.

The Honors and Awards Committee will consider all nominations. Those appearing to be of sufficient merit will trigger a request for more documentation from each of the nominators by February 12, 2025, and will be due by March 12, 2025.  Because the nature of the nominees’ contributions will vary, the exact nature of the documentation will be decided on a case-by-case basis.  

Nominations contact:
Lao Thao
Office of Medical Education School of Medicine
University of California, Davis 4610 X Street, Suite 2101D
Sacramento, CA 95817
Tel. 916-734-3530
e-mail: lythao@ucdavis.edu

The recipient will be selected by the Committee on Honors and Awards with consultation from the Dean of the School of Medicine, and will be announced at the School of Medicine’s Graduation and Awards Banquet held annually in May. This recipient will receive a plaque and monetary honorarium.

The School of Medicine annually recognizes the exceptional contributions to teaching and research with established awards. However, truly exceptional contributions are made to the School of Medicine’s mission by a variety of faculty, academic staff, and administrators that do not fall clearly into the categories of either teaching or research and, as such, go unheralded. To provide recognition of those who make such contributions, the School of Medicine has created the Hibbard Williams Award for Extraordinary Achievement.

Nominations closed at 8 a.m., Monday, January 13, 2025

The award is intended to recognize any of a broad range of contributions such as extraordinary public service and/or academic achievements that bring distinction to the university, raising its profile at a national or international level, etc. These contributions may be either singular in nature, or they may represent a long-term achievement in a particular arena. Above all, the contribution(s) must be truly exceptional. As such, the award may not be given every year, or may, on occasion, be awarded to more than one individual in a single year. Recipients of this award should receive it only once.

The Committee on Honors and Awards requests a brief (1 to 2 page) pre-proposal nomination letter summarizing the candidate's accomplishments, trajectory, contributions to diversity, equity and inclusion, and their curriculum vitae.

Those appearing to be of sufficient merit will trigger a request for more documentation from each of the nominators in February and will be due by March 12, 2025. Because the nature of the nominees’ contributions will vary, the exact nature of the documentation will be decided on a case-by-case basis.

Nominations contact:

Lao Thao
Office of Medical Education School of Medicine
University of California, Davis 4610 X Street, Suite 2101D
Sacramento, CA 95817
Tel. 916-734-3530
e-mail: lythao@ucdavis.edu

The recipient will be selected by the Committee on Honors and Awards with consultation from the Dean of the School of Medicine and announced at the School of Medicine’s Graduation and Awards Banquet held annually. The recipient will receive a plaque and monetary honorarium.

Previous Award Recipients

2024 K.C. Kent Lloyd, D.V.M., Ph.D. and Judy Van de Water, Ph.D.
2023 Craig McDonald, M.D.
2022 Timothy Albertson, M.D., M.P.H., Ph.D. and Randi Hagerman, M.D., F.A.A.P.
2021 Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola, M.D., Ph.D. and Diana L. Farmer, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.R.C.S.
2020 Nathan Kuppermann, M.D., M.P.H.
2019 Sally Rogers, Ph.D.
2018 Klea Bertakis, M.D., M.P.H.
2017 Reen Wu, Ph.D.
2016 Frederick J. Meyers, M.D., M.A.C.P.
2015 Thomas S. Nesbitt, M.D., M.P.H. and Joseph Silva, Jr., M.D., M.A.C.P.
2014 Mark J. Mannis, M.D.
2013 Kit S. Lam, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.P.
2012 J. Nilas Young, M.D.
2011 Douglas S. Gross, M.D., Ph.D.
2010 Ezra Amsterdam, M.D. and David G. Greenhalgh, M.D., F.A.C.S.
2009 Fitz-Roy Curry, Ph.D.
2008 Robert Hales, M.D., M.B.A. and Amparo Villablanca, M.D.
2007 Neil Flynn, M.D.
2006 Faith Fitzgerald, M.D.

The C. John Tupper Prize for Excellence in Teaching is the highest teaching award given by the School of Medicine. Created by the founding dean of the UC Davis School of Medicine, this award is intended to recognize significant contributors to the educational mission of the School. 

Nominations closed at 8 a.m., Monday, January 13, 2025
Successful candidates will be characterized by a trajectory of sustained, substantial, and meritorious participation in medical education at UC Davis School of Medicine and are expected to have attained full rank or equivalent. These candidates may also have previous significant recognition (i.e., teaching awards) of their contributions to medical education at UC Davis School of Medicine. Since one of the important factors in the selection is that the awardee is widely recognized as an outstanding educator, the Committee on Honors and Awards welcomes nominations from multiple constituencies, such as faculty, alumni, students, and staff.

The criteria for a holistic evaluation of the nominees are:

  • Quality of teaching and mentorship (include examples demonstrating an ability to stimulate thought and critical thinking)
  • Sustained trajectory of excellence in teaching
  • Contributions to curriculum development (including the development of curriculum for specific areas or for improving courses)
  • Modeling the Way (demonstrated resilience and/or leadership and/or examples that describe the candidate as inspiring and/or visionary)
  • Advancing Diversity Equity and Inclusion [including but not limited to: 1) inclusive teaching and mentorship practices, 2) promotes the success of underserved student populations, 3) recruitment and retention of diverse faculty, and 4) development of curriculum that facilitates diversity and inclusion]
  • Supporting teaching efforts of others (helps others develop their own teaching, invisible labor, and anything that promotes education)

Candidates may come from either clinical or basic science, as well as administrative faculty within the School of Medicine.

Pre-nomination letters of no more than two pages are being solicited from the faculty, alumni, staff, and students. The letter should describe the nominee’s qualifications that set the candidate apart as a distinguished educator based on the outlined criteria, and their curriculum vitae. Nominations for AY24-25 closed at 8 a.m., January 13, 2025.

After the review of pre-nomination applications, a full nomination packet will be requested for the top nominees, including teaching evaluations and other pertinent documents. The full nomination packet of top nominees will be requested by the Committee on Honors and Awards in February and will be due by March 12, 2025.

Nominations contact:
Lao Thao
Office of Medical Education School of Medicine
University of California, Davis 4610 X Street, Suite 2101D
Sacramento, CA 95817
Tel. 916-734-3530
e-mail: lythao@ucdavis.edu

The recipient of the C. John Tupper Prize for Excellence in Teaching will receive a certificate and a monetary honorarium, with announcement and presentation at the School of Medicine’s Graduation and Awards Dinner held annually in May.

Previous Award Recipients

2024     Samuel Turnipseed, M.D.
2023 Melody Hou, M.D., M.P.H. and Jennifer Plant, M.D., M.Ed.
2022 Mark Henderson, M.D., M.A.C.P.
2021 Heike Wulff, Ph.D.
2020 Ted Wun, M.D., F.A.C.P.
2019 John Richards, M.D., F.A.A.E.M., F.R.S.M.
2018 Karnjit K. Johl, M.D, F.A.C.P.
2017 Richard A. Marder, M.D.
2016 Thomas N. Blankenship, Ph.D.
2015 Colleen Sweeney, Ph.D.
2014 Anthony F. Jerant, M.D.
2013 Michael S. Wilkes, M.D., Ph.D.
2012 Lavjay Butani, M.D.
2011 James E. Goodnight, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
2010 Mary K. Miller, Pharm. D., M.D.
2009 Mark Servis, M.D.
2008 Regina Gandour-Edwards, M.D.
2007 Richard Tucker, Ph.D.
2006 Douglas Gross, M.D., Ph.D.
2005 Vijaya Kumari, M.B.B.S., Ph.D.
2004 Stuart Cohen, M.D.
2003 Paul G. Fitzgerald, Ph.D.
2002 Ezra Amsterdam, M.D.
2001 John Anderson, M.D.
2000 James Holcroft, M.D.
1999 Arun Rangaswami, M.D.
1998 David H. Wisner, M.D.
1997 John T. Owings, M.D.
1996 Faith T. Fitzgerald, M.D.
1995 James Holcroft, M.D.
1994 F. William Blaisdell, M.D.

Since 1975, the Kaiser Foundation Hospitals have supported annual awards for excellence in teaching at the UC Davis School of Medicine and affiliated hospitals. Faculty recipients Kaiser Foundation Hospitals Award receive a plaque and a generous monetary award of $1,200 each. 

There are three awards presented annually at the Senior and Faculty Awards Banquet: 

  • An award to a full-time faculty member in a basic science department.
  • An award to a full-time faculty member in a clinical science department.
  • An award to a member of the volunteer clinical professor (VCP) in a clinical science department. The VCP consists of physicians, usually in private practice, who has voluntarily donated their time and skills to assist in medical education at the UC Davis Medical Center, VA Hospital, and other affiliated hospitals. 

Undergraduate medical students, residents, and full-time faculty members are eligible to make nominations in one or more of the award categories.  

Characteristics to be considered in making nominations should include enthusiasm, sincere interest in and willingness to help students and residents, ability to motivate learning, quality of lectures and teaching aids, contributions to diversity, equity and inclusion, quality of clinical (bedside) teaching, and (where appropriate) the demonstrated ability to serve as a model clinician. 

These preliminary nominations are limited to all faculty members with a record of sustained excellence (>3 years) in all phases of teaching medical students. The top three nominees in each category will be placed on a ballot and resubmitted to the students. A faculty member who has received this award in the past four years is not eligible. The recipients for the last four years are listed as follows:

Recent Award Recipients

Year Basic Science Clinical Science Volunteer Clinical Faculty
2024 Paul FitzGerald, Ph.D. Sean Munoz, M.D. Amanda Mooneyham, M.D.
2023 Nipavan Chiamvimonvat, M.D. Shubha Ananthakrishnan, M.D. Ronald Jan, M.D.
2022 Hana Anderson, Ph.D. Rachael Lucatorto, M.D. Julie Westberg, M.D.

The generosity of the Kaiser Foundation Hospitals permits us to recognize the teaching contributions of our faculty, please carefully consider responding to this request for nominees. Nominators may nominate one candidate in each of the three categories, but nominating an individual in every category is not required. If a nominee is listed in an incorrect category by mistake, their name will be moved to the correct category. 

The nomination period for AY24-25 is open through February 16! Submit nominees through this Kaiser Teaching Awards link.

The combined nominees received will be submitted to the student body for election of awardees in each category. 

Nomination Contact: Committee on Honors and Awards (Attn. Lao Thao), email: lythao@ucdavis.edu 

All UC Davis School of Medicine Kaiser Award Recipients

Year Basic Science Clinical Science Volunteer Clinical Professor
2007            x Donna Defreitas, M.D. John Connolly, M.D.
2008 Colleen Sweeney, Ph.D. Regina Gandour-Edwards, M.D. Nathan Hitzeman, M.D.
2009 Paul FitzGerald, Ph.D. Jeffrey Gauvin, M.D. Daniel Fields, M.D.
2010 Thomas Blankenship, Ph.D. Peter Lynch, M.D. Gary Rinzler, M.D.
2011 Douglas Gross, M.D., Ph.D. Jorge Garcia, M.D. Lesley Schroeder, M.D.
2012 Richard Tucker, Ph.D. Lavjay Butani, M.D. Francis Sousa, M.D.
2013 Heike Wulff, Ph.D. Tonya Fancher, M.D., M.P.H. Robert Quadro, M.D.
2014 Colleen Sweeney, Ph.D. Melody Hou, M.D., M.P.H. Bruce Cohn, M.D.
2015 Thomas Blankenship, Ph.D. Kristin Olson, M.D. Ann Neuhaus, M.D.
2016 Kenneth Beck, Ph.D. Jaesu Han, M.D. George Meye, M.D.
2017 Richard Tucker, Ph.D. Paul Aronowitz, M.D. Ronald Jan, M.D.
2018 Paul FitzGerald, Ph.D. Craig Watson, M.D., Ph.D. Mary Patricia Pauly, M.D.
2019 Paul Knoepfler, Ph.D. and Heike Wulff, Ph.D. Jack MacMilliam, M.D.                  x
2020 Colleen Sweeney, Ph.D. Melody Hou, M.D., M.P.H. Jeffrey Skilling, M.D.
2022 Hana Anderson, Ph.D. Rachael Lucatorto, M.D. Julie Westberg, M.D.
2023 Nipavan Chiamvimonvat, M.D. Shubha Ananthakrishnan, M.D. Ronald Jan, M.D.
2024 Paul FitzGerald, Ph.D. Sean Munoz, M.D. Amanda Mooneyham, M.D.

The Joan Oettinger Memorial Award honors Joan Oettinger, a UC Davis graduate student who died of lung cancer in July 1970. Her husband, Martin, was a senior lecturer in economics at UC Davis before his death in 1986. This award recognizes outstanding research in lung or cancer disease and is presented annually during the UC Davis School of Medicine Spring General Faculty Meeting (4th Wednesday of May). The award includes a stipend of $1,200 and a certificate. Candidates will be evaluated by the Committee for Research Affairs.

Nomination closes on March 4, 2025, at 5:00 pm.  Submit nominees through this Joan Oettinger Memorial Award Link 

Nomination Contact: Committee on Research Awards (Attn: Faith Mudambi), email: hs-fec@ucdavis.edu

Eligible Candidates and Nominators

  1. Any member of the UC Davis School of Medicine may nominate faculty members of the Academic Senate, Academic Federation, students, or fellows whom they consider deserving of this award. Accomplishments will be evaluated relative to career stage.
  2. A nominator may nominate more than one candidate.

Committee on Research Affairs Considerations

  1. The Committee may award more than one person in a single year.
  2. The Committee may refrain from making an award in any given year if no nominee’s research is considered deserving of the award.
  3. The award may recognize either a single achievement or an accumulated career of excellence. However, no person may receive the award more than once.
  4. The outstanding research must have occurred during the nominee’s tenure at the UC Davis School of Medicine.
  5. Individuals not selected for the award may be nominated again in succeeding years.

Nomination Process
Nominations must be submitted as a single PDF packet and include the following:

  1. Eligibility statement not exceeding 1 page listing the candidate's qualification for this award. Statements should address A) research achievements in cancer or lung disease, either a career of excellence or a single achievement. B) Significance and impact of the work (e.g., advancement of the field, impact on clinical care). C) Innovation of the work. D) If the nominee is a student or fellow, the extent of the nominee’s participation should be clearly stated. 
  2. Statement presentation: 11-point Arial font must be used, the page must be single-spaced, and the margins cannot be smaller than 0.5”.
  3. Proposals not conforming to formatting and 1-page limit will not be considered.
  4. If the nominee is a student or fellow, an accompanying manuscript or abstract may be submitted for evaluation. Additional materials will not be considered.
  5. If the nominee is a faculty member, please include the nominee's curriculum vitae.
  6. No additional materials will be considered.

Previous Award Recipients

2024 Yuanpei Li, Ph.D. Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine
2023 William Murphy, Ph.D. Dermatology, Internal Medicine
2022 Arta Monjazeb, M.D., Ph.D. Radiation Oncology
2020 David Cooke, M.D. Internal Medicine
2020 Diana Miglioretti, Ph.D. Internal Medicine
2018 Angela Haczku, M.D., Ph.D. Internal Medicine
2017 Tzipora Goldkorn, Ph.D. Internal Medicine
2016 Kermit Carraway, Ph.D. Biological Chemistry and Molecular Medicine
2015 Primo Lara Jr., M.D. Internal Medicine
2014 Amir Zeki, M.D. Internal Medicine
2014 Michael Schivo, M.D. Internal Medicine
2013 Joshua Fenton, M.D, Ph.D. Family and Community Medicine
2012 Nicholas Kenyon, M.D. Internal Medicine
2011 Susanna Park, M.D., Ph.D. Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
2010 Hongwu Chen, Ph.D. Biological Chemistry and Molecular Medicine
2009 Scott Hundahl, M.D. Surgery
2008 Su Hao Lo, Ph.D. Biological Chemistry and Molecular Medicine
2007 Richart Harper, M.D. Internal Medicine
2006 Hsing-Jien Kung, Ph.D. Biological Chemistry and Molecular Medicine
2005 Fu-Tong Liu, M.D., Ph.D. Dermatology
2004 Robert Weiss, M.D. Internal Medicine
2003 Susan Murin, M.D. Internal Medicine
2002 Paul Gumerlock, Ph.D. Internal Medicine
2001 Derick Lau, M.D. Internal Medicine
2000 Gerald DeNardo, M.D. Radiology
2000 Sally DeNardo, M.D. Internal Medicine
1999 Albert van der Vliet, Ph.D. Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
1998 David Gandara, M.D. Internal Medicine
1995 Jesse Joad, M.D. Pediatrics
1993 Reen Wu, Ph.D. Internal Medicine
1992 John Keltner, M.D. Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
1991 Ralph deVere White, M.D. Urology
1990 Anthony Cheung, Ph.D. Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
1989 Frederick Meyers, M.D. Internal Medicine
1988 E. Eric Gershwin, M.D. Internal Medicine
1987 Jerry Lewis, M.D.  
1986 Robert Rucker, M.D.  
1985 Lucien Jacobs, M.B.B.S.  
1984 Karen Reiser, M.D. Neurological Surgery
1983 Jerold Last, Ph.D. Internal Medicine
1980 Demosthenes Pappagianis, M.D., Ph.D. Medical Microbiology and Immunology
1979 Jerold Last, Ph.D. Internal Medicine
1978 Elliott Goldstein, M.D.  
1977 Carroll Cross, M.D. Physiology and Membrane Biology

The School of Medicine Research Award is given to one Early Career (Senate or Federation member at the Assistant level) and one Established Investigator (Associate level or above) in the School of Medicine, recognizing outstanding contributions to science and medicine through research. Each awardee will receive a stipend of $1000 and $15,000 for research support.

Candidates will be evaluated by the Committee for Research Affairs. The award presented at the Spring General Faculty Meeting annually, the 4th Wednesday of May.

Nomination closes on March 4, 2025, at 5:00 pm.  Submit nominees through this School of Medicine Research Awards Link 

Nomination Contact: Committee on Research Awards (Attn: Faith Mudambi), email: hs-fec@ucdavis.edu

Eligible Candidates and Nominators

  1. Any member of the UC Davis School of Medicine may nominate Academic Senate and Academic Federation members.
  2. Nominations may be made by any member of the UC Davis School of Medicine.

Committee on Research Affairs Considerations

  1. Research accomplishments will be evaluated relative to the faculty’s career stage.
  2. The Committee may refrain from making an award in any given year if no nominee’s research is considered deserving of the award.
  3. The award can recognize either a single achievement or an accumulated career of excellence. However, no person may receive the award more than once.
  4. The outstanding research must have occurred during the nominee’s tenure at the UC Davis School of Medicine.
  5. Individuals not selected for the award may be nominated again in succeeding years.

Nomination Process
Nominations must be submitted as a single PDF packet and include the following:

  1. Eligibility statement not to exceed 1 page listing the candidate's qualifications for this award. Statements should address: A) Research achievements, either a career of excellence or a single achievement. B) Significance and impact of the work (e.g., advancement of the field, impact on clinical care). C) Innovation of the work. D) National or international recognition of the work or nominee.
  2. Statement presentation: 11-point Arial font must be used, the page must be single-spaced, and margins cannot be smaller than 0.5” around.
  3. Proposals not conforming to formatting and the 1-page limit will not be considered.
  4. Nominee's curriculum vitae.
  5. Optional: Up to three additional supporting statements (maximum of 1 page each) from distinguished researchers in the nominee’s area (UC Davis faculty members or outside researchers). 
  6. No additional documents or statements will be considered.

Previous Award Recipients

Early Career co-recipients: Theanne Griffith, Ph.D., and Sergey Stavisky, Ph.D.
Established Career recipient: Diana Farmer, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.R.C.S
2023 Nipavan Chiamvimonvat, M.D.
2023 Ramsey Badawi, Ph.D.
2018 Fred Meyers, M.D., M.A.C.P.
2018 Charles DeCarli, M.D., Ph.D.
2017 Diana Miglioretti, Ph.D.
2016 William Murphy, Ph.D.
2016 Nathan Kuppermann, M.D.
2015 Charles Bevins, Ph.D.
2014 Alice Tarantal, Ph.D.
2013 Irva Hertz-Picciotto, Ph.D., M.P.H.
2013 Andreas Baumler, Ph.D.
2012 Donald Bers, Ph.D.
2011 Ralph deVere White, M.B.B.Ch., B.A.O.
2011 Paul Hagerman, M.D., Ph.D.
2010 Ezra Amsterdam, M.D.
2008 Sally Rogers, Ph.D.
2007 Ebenezer Yamaoah, M.D.
2006 Kit Lam, Ph.D.
2005 Garen Wintemute, M.D.
2005 Hsing-Jien Kung, Ph.D.
2004 Randi Hagerman, M.D.
2004 Anthony Cheung, Ph.D.
2002 Saul Schaefer, M.D.
2001 John Boone, Ph.D.
2000 Hanspeter Witsch, M.D.
1999 Marc Kaufman, Ph.D.
1998 Irwin Feinberg, M.D.
1997 Richard Kravitz, M.D.
1996 Reen Wu, Ph.D.
1994 Eugene Renkin, Ph.D.
1993 Blaine Beaman, Ph.D.
1992 Richard Chole, M.D., Ph.D.
1991 Stanley Meizel, Ph.D.
1990 Jerold Last, Ph.D.
1989 Fitz-Roy Curry, Ph.D.
1988 Robert Cardiff, M.D., Ph.D.
1987 Charles Halsted, M.D.
1986 Vincent Ziboh, M.D.
1985 M. Eric Gershwin, M.D.
1984 Murray Gardner, M.D.
1983 Donald Walsh, Ph.D.
1980 John Hershey, Ph.D.
1979 Carroll Cross, M.D.
1979 M. Eric Gershwin, M.D.
1978 Dean Mason, M.D.
1977 Eliezer Benjamini, Ph.D.
1977 Charles Abidgaard, M.D.
1976 Robert Traut, Ph.D.

The I-EXPLORE Achievement Awards began with the completion of the first 2 years of the I-EXPLORE (Integrated EXplorative Patient and Learner ORiented Education) in AY21-22. At that time each curricular phase (e.g., pre-clerkship, clerkship, and post-clerkship) had delivered one or two years of the I-EXPLORE approach.

All faculty who participate in I-EXPLORE are eligible for the Achievement Awards. Annually, in the Spring, the Achievement Award nomination form is sent to all I-EXPLORE funded faculty (e.g., Course Directors, Discipline Leaders, etc.) These Committee on Educational Policy (CEP) appointed educators and leadership team members submit nominees who are then selected by CEP. There are four faculty award categories and one staff award.

I-EXPLORE Achievement Award Recipients

Integration & Collaboration: Regularly seeks to mesh their expertise with that of other faculty collaborators in creating and delivering well integrated sessions. Actively solicits and welcomes multiple stakeholders in combined efforts.

  • AY23-24: MK Orsulak, M.D.
  • AY22-23: Colleen Sweeney, M.D.

Exploration & Innovation: Places significant effort in the development and/or utilization of new teaching pedagogies and approaches to student learning.

  • AY23-24: Jennifer Karlin, M.D., Ph.D.
  • AY22-23: Rachael Lucatorto, M.D.

Patient-Oriented Education: Prioritizes understanding human health and disease through the whole patient perspective; incorporates principles of health systems science and/or health equity in curricular content.

  • AY23-24: Anthony Bhe, M.D.
  • AY22-23: Timothy Muldoon, M.D.

Learner-Oriented Education: Creates efficient sessions that address student needs and preferences; regularly solicits and incorporates student feedback; minimizes extraneous cognitive load for students.

  • AY23-24: Heike Wulff, Ph.D.
  • AY22-23: Hana Anderson, Ph.D.

Collaboration and Innovation: (Staff Award, new in AY23-24) Regularly seeks to mesh their expertise and experience with staff and faculty stakeholders across units and departments for collaboration in curriculum delivery and student support, placing significant effort in the development and utilization of new or revised approaches to curriculum needs. 

  • AY23-24: Dan Comins, MA. Ed.
Faculty Committee Officers 2024-2025
  • Maggie Khun, M.D., M.A.S.

    Maggie Kuhn, M.D., M.A.S.


    Group: Surgical Clinical Sciences
    Term: 2021-2025, Second Term

  • Candice Sauder, M.D., F.A.C.S.
    Vice Chair

    Candice Sauder, M.D., F.A.C.S.


    Group: Surgical Clinical Sciences
    Term: 2023-2025, First Term

  • Jennifer Plant, M.D., M.Ed

    Jennifer Plant, M.D., M.Ed


    Group: Non-Senate Representative
    Term: 2022-2026, Second Term

Faculty Executive Committee Members
  • Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola, M.D., Ph.D.

    Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola, M.D., Ph.D.

    Internal Medicine

    Group: Medical Clinical Sciences
    Term: 2022-2026, Second Term

  • Alexander (Sandy) Borowsky, M.D.

    Alexander (Sandy) Borowsky, M.D.

    Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

    Group: At-Large Representative
    Term: 2023-2025, First Term

  • Paramita M. Ghosh, Ph.D.

    Paramita M. Ghosh, Ph.D.

    Internal Medicine

    Group: VA Northern California Health Care System (VANCHCS)
    Term: 2024-2026, First Term

  • Member

    Elena A. Goncharova, Ph.D.

    Internal Medicine

    Group: At-Large Representative
    Term: 2024-2026, First Term

  • Paul Knoepfler, Ph.D.

    Paul Knoepfler, Ph.D.

    Cell Biology and Human Anatomy

    Group: Preclinical Sciences
    Term: 2022-2026, Second Term

  • Manuel Navedo, Ph.D.

    Manuel Navedo, Ph.D.


    Group: Preclinical Sciences
    Term: 2021-2025, Second Term

  • Jill Silverman, Ph.D.

    Jill Silverman, Ph.D.

    Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

    Group: Medical Clinical Sciences
    Term: 2021-2025, Second Term

Ex Officio Members
  • Susan Murin, M.D., M.Sc., M.B.A.
    Ex Officio

    Susan Murin, M.D., M.Sc., M.B.A.

    Pulmonary Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

    Interim Dean, UC Davis School of Medicine

  • Sarah Barnhard, M.D.
    Ex Officio

    Sarah Barnhard, M.D.

    Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

    Chief of Staff, UC Davis Medical Center

Contact Faculty Executive Committee

Education Building

4610 X St., Suite 4202
Sacramento, CA 95817

Contact Support Staff:

Heidi van Beek, M.A.
Staff, Faculty Senate Analyst

Faith Mudambi
Staff, Faculty Senate Analyst