Licensed and Certified Genetic Counselor
To see if Ayaka Suzuki is accepting new patients, or for assistance finding a UC Davis doctor, please call 800-2-UCDAVIS (800-282-3284).
Ayaka Suzuki is the lead genetic counselor in the Metabolic Clinic and the Lysosomal Storage Diseases Clinic, providing dedicated care to patients and their families experiencing a known or suspected biochemical disorder. She is one of the coordinators for the California Newborn Screening Program with the UC Davis Metabolic Center. She is also part of the core team for the UC Davis Health Leukodystrophy Care Network, which is one of the LCN Certified Centers in the nation. It is her mission to support the strengths and help relieve the challenges each patient and their family may experience on their journey through diagnosis and with the condition.
Ayaka has a special interest in international initiatives that strive to enhance the practice of clinical genomic medicine and genetic counseling through collaboration with professionals around the world.
Genomic Medicine
B.A., UC Berkeley, Berkeley CA 2012
M.S., Medical Genetics, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH 2017