Revisiting Childhood Autism Risks from Genetics and Environment and Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes
In 2003, the CHARGE (Childhood Autism Risks from Genetics and Environment) Study began enrolling three groups of children aged 2-5 years: with autism; with other developmental delays; and from the general population with typical development. CHARGE has generated a body of new results on prenatal exposures, such as pesticides, air pollution, medications and maternal nutrition, in relation to autism and developmental delay. For the Re-CHARGE ECHO program, CHARGE children from all three diagnostic groups will be followed up between the ages of 8-20 to understand developmental trajectories for each of these three groups (baseline developmental delay, autism, or typical development at baseline).
The ECHO (Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes) Study brings together 45 cohorts of children from across the country, including The ReCHARGE Study at UC Davis. ECHO will study health broadly, including childhood asthma, other respiratory problems, obesity, diabetes, sleep, neuro-developmental conditions such as autism and ADHD, and birth outcomes like prematurity and birth defects. With data from over 50,000 children and caregiver participants, the ECHO study will help us understand how to improve health during childhood and beyond.
Some things are new since you first joined:
As of September 1, 2023, the ReCHARGE Study has received funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to continue participating in the ECHO Program for the next seven years!
Families with children who:
For your convenience, most of the information we collect will be completed remotely
By participating in the ECHO Study, your family will contribute to a better understanding of how our environment can be improved in schools, communities, and homes to improve children’s lives: their achievements, their relationships with others, and their health.
UC Davis MIND Institute
Attention ReCHARGE Study
2825 50th Street Sacramento, CA 95817
Crystal Herrera
ReCHARGE Research Manager
Ashley Ratcliffe-Ikemiyagi
ReCHARGE Research Supervisor
The National Institute of Health through the Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO)
The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) through the HHEAR (Human Health Exposure Analysis Resource) Laboratories
The National Institute of Child Health and Development through the Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center
UC Davis MIND Institute
UC Davis School of Medicine