Women in Otolaryngology
The UC Davis department of Otolaryngology is committed and dedicated to inspiring, and encouraging women otolaryngologists in training to achieve their personal and professional goals.
Through department sponsored quarterly meetings, the Women in Otolaryngology (WIO) interest group covers a variety of topics including 1) Guest speakers of leading role model women in Otolaryngology. 2) Provide a forum for open and guided discussion of the unique challenges that pertain to women otolaryngologists. 3) Provide a unique opportunity for women residents and fellows in which interest, concerns, and common experiences both professionally and personally can be effectively addressed.
Guest speaker Dr. Sujana Chandrasekhar (Neuro-otologist and past president of the AAO-HNS) speaking about her leadership journey.
Seminars begin with a guest speaker and are followed by a question and answer period and group discussion. This event is typically held in a faculty member’s home to allow for a quiet and comfortable location to promote good dialogue.
For more information about WIO at UC Davis please contact Debbie Aizenberg, MD at daizenberg@ucdavis.edu.