Residents as Teachers Curriculum | Pediatric Residency Program | Academic Programs | Department of Pediatrics | UC Davis Health

Residents as Teachers

One of the privileges of being at an academic medical center is the opportunity to teach medical students. All residents play a major role in teaching medical students. During intern orientation, residents are introduced to their important role as teachers. A skills-based resident-as-teacher workshop during intern orientation prepares residents to orient the learner, give feedback, and teach medical students and allows residents to practice these skills with feedback from faculty. In addition, periodic workshops are offered to residents throughout all three years of residency to help enhance their teaching skills.

Residents posing at Advocacy conference.

During their second and third year, residents supervise teams of PGY-1 pediatric and family medicine residents and 3rd and 4th-year medical students. PGY-2 and PGY-3 residents function as the leaders of their teams on wards and lead once per week without an attending, allowing them the chance to practice their leadership skills and step into the role of an attending.

All residents formally teach in group settings when they present Morning Report, facilitate Journal Club discussions, and present Grand Rounds as a PGY-3. In addition, all PGY-2 and PGY-3 residents moderate the teaching module at their continuity clinic sites, which provide them an opportunity to teach outpatient general pediatrics topics to PGY-1 residents, medical students, and other learners.

At the Sacramento County Health Center, where some residents have their continuity clinic, there is an emphasis on interprofessional care and teaching. The health care team at this site includes medical students, physician assistant/nurse practitioner students from the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing in addition to the pediatric residents and pediatric faculty. Senior residents may lead the team, supervising the various learners. This is an additional opportunity for our residents to learn how to lead an interprofessional healthcare team.

Suzanne Stewart, M.D. (2019) presents her medical education project to improve safe sleep in the newborn nursery at Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) national conference.
Suzanne Stewart, M.D. (2019) presents her medical education project to improve safe sleep in the newborn nursery at Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) national conference.

Residents may choose to design, implement and evaluate a medical education focused scholarly project. Residents are encouraged to disseminate their medical education scholarship through regional and national presentations and peer-reviewed publications.

Medical Education Scholarship
  • Lidia Park, M.D., Ph.D. and Tammy Yau, M.D., Class of 2023

    Spotlight on Lidia Park and Tammy Yau, Class of 2023

    Lidia Park, M.D., Ph.D., and Tammy Yau, M.D., Class of 2023, obtained a Western Regional Trainee Research Award and a UC Davis pediatric departmental resident/fellow grant to develop evidence-based podcasts, Pediagogy, designed to teach common pediatric guidelines to residents and medical students.

    Pedia-gogy pediatric podcast

Seniors jumping picture
How to Reach Us

Contact Information

Residency Training Program
Department of Pediatrics, UC Davis Health
2516 Stockton Boulevard
Sacramento, CA 95817

Phone: 916-734-2428