Pediatric Residency Curriculum | Pediatric Residency Program | Academic Programs | Department of Pediatrics | UC Davis Health


Residents work closely with and learn from faculty in a variety of clinical settings and mentored experiences. Additionally, our program curriculum includes opportunities for community health and advocacy, scholarly projects, and teaching. The curriculum is designed to provide the skills, knowledge, and experiences needed to be outstanding pediatrician leaders, advocates, scholars, and teachers.

  • Teaching Conferences

    All residents participate in teaching conferences, which include morning reports, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary block didactic sessions, case management conferences, journal clubs and grand rounds.

    More about teaching conferences
  • Scholarly Projects

    In the first year of residency, residents are introduced to four potential scholarly project focus areas: community health and education, quality improvement and patient safety, medical education, and research. Residents work with a faculty mentor to design their scholarly project in one of the focus areas.

    Learn more about scholarly projects
  • Research Opportunities

    Residents have opportunities to work with faculty on research ranging from stem cell research in the laboratory, clinical and translational research, and health services research.

    Learn more about research opportunities
  • CHAANJE Lives Initiative

    The Child Health Advocacy, Antiracism, Neighborhood partnerships, Justice and Equity (CHAANJE) Lives Initiative is a three-year threaded curriculum aimed at training physician leaders and advocates for pediatric health equity and social justice to improve child health disparities and CHAANJE Lives.

    Learn more about CHAANJE
  • Community Health and Advocacy

    All first-year residents complete a required four-week Community Health Advocacy (CHA) rotation to help increase their understanding of adverse childhood experiences and the social determinants of health, which in turn, provides them with tools to address health inequities in their clinical practice.

    More about community health and advocacy
  • Media Advocacy Opportunities

    Media advocacy training is integrated into the Community Health and Advocacy rotation. For residents who are interested, the program works with residents to identify areas of media health advocacy interest, develop appropriate messaging, and provide media appearance opportunities.

    More about media advocacy opportunities
  • Residents as Teachers

    All residents play a major role in teaching and mentoring medical students and peers. Resident-as-teacher curricula help prepare residents for their important role as medical educators.

    More about residents as teachers
  • Pediatric Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (QIPS)

    Our innovative Pediatric Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (QIPS) curriculum prepares residents to be leaders in improving health care delivery in their future practices. Residents are initially introduced to QIPS concepts through didactics and web-based curricula.

    Learn more about QIPS
  • Leadership Opportunities

    Residents are encouraged to develop their leadership skills through serving on pediatric residency committees focused on improving residency education and wellness, serving on UC Davis Health resident medical staff committees, advocating for child health at the state legislature, and becoming involved in the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Section on Pediatric Trainees.

    More about resident leadership opportunities
  • Global Health Education

    The UC Davis unique advantage is our global health expertise across the disciplines of nutrition, agriculture, human health, and veterinary science. The Program in Global Child Health works to take advantage of this expertise to improve health outcomes for children and their communities. We do this through education, capacity-building, and research with global communities here and abroad.

    Learn more about global health education

Sample Rotation Schedules

Resident Sample Schedules
Seniors jumping picture
How to Reach Us

Contact Information

Residency Training Program
Department of Pediatrics, UC Davis Health
2516 Stockton Boulevard
Sacramento, CA 95817

Phone: 916-734-2428

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