Research aims to understand early signs of, and links between, autism and ADHD

Meghan Miller, Ph.D.
Meghan Miller, Ph.D.

Associate Professor,
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and MIND Institute
Associate Director, UC Davis MIND Institute Clinical Psychology Training Programs
Associate Director, UC Davis Mentoring Academy for Research Excellence

Project: Meghan Miller, Ph.D., leads the Early Risk and LAAMB (Learning about Autism and ADHD Markers in Babies) studies at the MIND Institute. The primary goal of this work is to understand the early signs of autism and ADHD in infants and toddlers. By tracking the development of children at familial risk for these conditions, Dr. Miller’s team also hopes to understand the links between autism and ADHD, and to establish and improve methods of early detection of ASD and ADHD in infants to help families access early intervention and treatment.

Update: The Early Risk Study is in the final phase of data collection, and we are currently completing final outcome study visits with all previously-enrolled families. The LAAMB Study is in its second year of funding, and we have finished recruiting new participants to join with us in this research. We continue to publish findings from the research conducted in our laboratory and in collaboration with others in the department.

Recent published findings: 

Reetzke et al., 2021. Patterns of objectively measured motor activity among infants developing ASD and concerns for ADHD, The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry

Hatch et al., 2021. Longitudinal Differences in Response to Name Among Infants Developing ASD and Risk for ADHD, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

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One of the primary goals of academic psychiatry is to expand our understanding of psychiatric illness and improve psychiatric care through research. Research in our department is carried out by more than 30 federally-funded faculty working on research programs including investigation of basic mechanisms of brain function, translational research into the underlying causes of psychiatric disorders, clinical studies in adult and child psychiatry, forensic psychiatry, and methods for improving medical education and clinical practice.


Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

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Aging and Mental Health

Aging and Mental Health

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Animal Models

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Autism and Developmental Disorders

Autism and Developmental Disorders

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Cultural Psychiatry

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Early Psychosis

Early Psychosis

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Forensic Psychiatry

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Schizophrenia and Related Disorders

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Sleep Disorders

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