The UC Davis Early Psychosis Programs are nationally recognized as a leading provider of early psychosis care. Early identification and intervention are necessary steps in reducing the impact of psychosis on affected individuals, their families and our community.

Our community-based education and outreach program identifies individuals prior to the onset of the most devastating aspects of psychosis, preventing deterioration and hospitalization wherever possible. Our family-centered treatment approach empowers individuals and their families to be active participants in their care, helping them achieve their personal, social, educational and occupational goals. We do this in a culturally sensitive manner that addresses the specific needs of each individual, their family, and community.

If you are experiencing symptoms but aren’t sure if our clinical services are right for you, please take our 21-question screening survey.

Si está teniendo síntomas, pero no está seguro de si nuestros servicios clínicos son adecuados para usted, por favor complete nuestra encuesta de detección de síntomas de 21 preguntas

Looking Brighter: Surviving Psychosis

This documentary short highlights the lived experience of Chris Ferrari, who has dealt with not only psychosis, but the side effects of treatment for psychosis. Chris, his family, and his trusted mental health professionals at the UC Davis Early Psychosis Programs worked together to develop a recovery plan. Documentary made possible by a grant from Neurocrine Biosciences. Visit One Mind site for more information.

Our clinics

Behavioral Health Clinic building, SacramentoThe UC Davis Early Psychosis Programs, including the EDAPT and SacEDAPT Clinics are located at the UC Davis Medical Center and are part of the mental health care services provided by the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. Our programs have a strong and diverse interdisciplinary team of physicians, clinicians, support staff, and consumer/family advocates with unique expertise in state-of-the-art assessments and evidence-based practices for early identification and intervention for psychotic disorders.

We provide coordinated specialty care (CSC) in an outpatient setting that incorporates targeted medication management, individual, family and group psychosocial interventions, case management services, and supported education and employment with the goals of early diagnosis, treatment, and disability prevention. 

Founded in 2004 by Cameron Carter, M.D., the program is funded by the Division of Behavioral Health Services through the voter approved Proposition 63, Mental Health Services Act (MHSA).

Our mission

Our mission is to bring hope and wellness to individuals and families who are struggling with psychosis. To reduce stigma and increase help-seeking, we educate our community on the nature of mental disorders and the positive impact of early intervention. We use our unique training and expertise in leading-edge assessment techniques to identify at-risk individuals early in their illness and provide comprehensive evidence-based treatment, focusing on consumer self-determination and family support as the path toward recovery.