When you arrive, go to the reception area. You will meet with administrative staff who will help you begin the check-in process.
You will need to bring:
- A valid form of identification: U.S. driver’s license, a DMV identification card, U.S. passport, or U.S. military identification card
- Your UC Davis Health insurance card
You will:
- Fill out paperwork upon arrival
- Pay your co-pay at this time
Your child will receive the necessary wristbands: two for identification and security and one for allergies, if necessary.

After you’ve checked in, you and your child can sit in the large waiting room. The waiting room has plenty of activities, books and toys, and even an electronic game table, to occupy and distract your child, while allowing you to all sit and spend some time together before the procedure.
The waiting room will also be available for you while your child is undergoing surgery. When it’s time, a registered nurse or child life specialist will find you in the waiting room and take both of you to a pre-op room.