Vice Chancellor’s LGBTQ+ Advisory Council | UC Davis Health

Vice Chancellor’s LGBTQ+ Advisory Council

What we do

The VC LGBTQ+ Advisory Council provides recommendations to the Vice Chancellor to help assess, plan, develop, implement, improve, and refine efforts toward meaningful LGBTQ+ initiatives within UC Davis Health.

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

UC Davis Health was the first academic health system in the country to incorporate sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) as standard demographic elements within the electronic health records. The VC’s LGBTQ+ Advisory Council recognized the growing need to collect information on SOGI in reducing health disparities in the LGBT community.

Council efforts closely align with the US Department of Health and Human Services initiatives for improving LGBT health. In 2013, Secretary Seblius formalized actions to improve the health and well-being of LGBT communities, advocating for the inclusion of SOGI questions on the 2013 national interview survey.

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