Patient escort identifies care crisis just in time

Leaders present Patient Escort Habidur Rehman with July's POP Award.

This month's Point of Pride (POP) Award was presented to UC Davis Health Patient Escort Habidur Rehman. The POP Award recognizes that every day, countless actions of empathy and kindness – large and small – take place across our health system.

Due to Habidur's swift response, the patient received the care she needed. Habidur lived UC Davis Health's patient promise. His actions show every employee plays a vital role in providing care.

On Tuesday, Director of Patient Support Services Marcus Christian and Associate Chief Operating Officer Kimmie Bleichner-Jones presented the POP Award to Habidur.

The nomination follows:

“I want to recognize Habidur for essentially saving a patient's life. Habidur was set to transport a Spanish-speaking patient to X-ray when he noticed that she looked pale and was saying something in Spanish. Having some experience with diabetes, Habidur quickly found a nurse who was able to check the patient's blood sugar, which was found to be dangerously low.

"We were able to quickly treat the patient, but if it wasn't for Habidur's astute awareness, this patient could have easily deteriorated without recognition until the next task was ordered. Thank you, Habidur, for your dedication to your patients and their care!"

Congratulations to Habidur on his POP Award!

Do you know an employee who goes above and beyond for our patients? Nominate them for a Point of Pride (POP) Award now!