Construction update: Central Utility Plant Expansion Make Ready Phase begins


The Central Utility Plant Expansion (CUPx) Make Ready Phase has begun and is estimated to be complete in June 2027.

Please note the following details of this activity:

  • Impacted areas include the Facilities Support Services Building (FSSB) and surrounding area, the PS6 driveway and the pedestrian path of travel from Parking Lot 20 to the remainder of campus.

Graphic of alternative pedestrian pathway
Alternative pedestrian pathway
  • The Make Ready Phase will consist of site groundwork, clearing, grub and tree removal of surrounding areas as needed and utility relocation in preparation for the existing CUP improvements, new CUP Annex Building located east of the FSSB, and the relocation of the PS6 driveway.

  • The new location of the PS6 driveway will be between Aggie Square and FSSB from PS6 to Second Ave and include a signalized intersection at Second Ave.

  • The FSSB open space, west of the FSSB adjacent to Aggie Square as well as the Gross Anatomy Lab (GAL) will be cleared and demoed in preparation for the new driveway. Fencing for this portion of work has been erected and a temporary path of travel includes signage, snow fencing and K rails to safely reroute pedestrians. 

photos depicting safety measures

1. Snow fencing to reroute pedestrians to cross at 48th while the existing crosswalk front of the FSSB is out of service 2. Fencing surrounding the FSSB, Gross Anatomy Lab and open space. 3. K Rails behind FSSB to reroute pedestrians walking from Lot 30 to the remainder of the campus. 

  • New accessible walk paths will be provided from PS6 to Second Ave and PS6 to FSSB, and existing walk paths and landscaping will be protected and maintained to the best of the team’s ability.

  • In addition to new walk paths, landscaping that was impacted will be restored and new plantings, trees and bark will be provided.

  • The CUP Off Site Utility Loop (Infrastructure for California Tower) will impact the existing PS6 driveway (Lot 20) as well as the driveway behind the FSSB and portions of 48th Street and X Street.

  • Upon completion of the new PS6 driveway, the new CUP Annex Building will be constructed over the existing PS6 driveway.

  • Traffic control will be in place during installation to minimize impacts on traffic flow and parking.

For further assistance, please contact Jake Bertacchi at or Wes Ramirez at