Emergency Management conducting WarnMe test Jan. 29


The Emergency Management team will conduct a test of the UC Davis Health emergency mass notification system at 12 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 29.

Three tests are conducted annually to ensure the health system is prepared to provide timely notifications to staff and students during an emergency.

All health employees and students will receive, at minimum, an email notification to their @ucdavis.edu email account. Those who have previously updated alternative methods of contact may receive a text message, personal email, and/or pager notification.

To register your phone number to receive texts — or verify that it’s in the system — log into the WarnMe website and follow the instructions for how to “Edit My WarnMe Information.” You will need to use your CAS login (also known as Central Authentication Service) and DUO authentication to reach the page.

If you have any questions about the WarnMe process, please contact the Emergency Management team at hs-ep@ucdavis.edu. Please note, the Davis campus will conduct their own, separate test of the WarnMe system at the same time.