New virtual walking tracker challenge allows you and your colleagues to virtually tour Europe


Staff and Faculty Health and Well-Being has announced an upcoming Rome to Paris virtual walking-tracker challenge. Employees can participate as an individual or with a team of four to 10 members. By using the new BeWell (formerly Walker Tracker) platform*, you can enter your daily steps or other physical activity to move you and your team closer to the finish line. 

Challenge dates: Monday, Sept. 9 to Friday, Oct. 18. 

Two challenge options: 

  • 8,000 steps per day Team Challenge
  • 8,000 steps per day Individual Challenge

From Staff and Faculty Health and Well-Being: 

“Join us on an adventure that will take you from Rome, Italy, to Paris, France. Your journey will explore some amazing locations with beautiful architecture and ancient history. You’ll start at the awe-inspiring Colosseum, stop off in Monte Carlo in Monaco, and keep moving until you reach the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. Along the way, you’ll see a variety of famous landmarks. It’s time for a European adventure. Bon Voyage!”

  • Join and share the challenge with colleagues:
  • This program is open to UC Davis staff, faculty and student employees. 
  • Please note: If you participated in our last challenge, but did not complete the evaluation, you will need to re-register.

*Recently, Walker Tracker transitioned to the BeWell platform.

  • For desktop access: The website still remains hosted at
  • For app access
    • New users should search "Be Well" in your app store.
    • Returning users may still have the Walker Tracker app installed. You may have seen it automatically update to the Be Well platform. If not, please apply app updates as needed. You will likely need to sign in again using your previous credentials. 
  • For support: The website still remains hosted at You may find that Help Articles still reference the Walker Tracker platform. Support can be requested via email at