Sustainability team hosts multiple Earth Month activities

Each year, UC Davis Health celebrates Earth Month with different events and programs throughout the month, and this year is no different.
The sustainability team welcomes you to join them at a variety of fun programs, including Earth Month Bingo, another Sustainability Walking Tour, and an exciting Earth Month Celebration.
Earth Month Bingo
Celebrate the Earth all month long by participating in the Bingo challenge. See how many sustainability-related activities, such as taking public transit or using reusable shopping bags, you can accomplish in April. These might already be activities you're doing. Everyone is encouraged to participate!
How to Play:
- Download the Bingo card and check off your sustainable actions throughout the month.
- Complete five actions in a row, column, or diagonal to get a Bingo.
- Submit your response on this form to be entered into a prize drawing.
Earn a bonus entry when you submit a photo of yourself completing an action.
Sustainability Walking Tour
Join the Director of Sustainability, Kristina Cullen, on a sustainability walking tour at noon Wednesday, April 10. Cullen will share more than a dozen sustainable points of interest over approximately one mile around our beautiful medical campus. No reservation is needed. Just bring your walking shoes and a reusable water bottle, and meet the team at the corner of corner of 45th and X streets. The walk is approximately one hour.
Earth Month Celebration
Join us to celebrate Earth Month from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 17, in the Medical Education quad. You’ll have the chance to learn about the many sustainability-related projects that are happening right here at UC Davis Health, including:
- Re-implementation of recycling at UCDH
- Energy Reduction Projects
- Fossil Fuel Free Pathway Plan
- Climate Resiliency Engagement
- Clinical Sustainability initiatives
- And more!
Our external partners, including SMUD, Clark Pacific, Sacramento Regional Transit, and Commute by Enterprise, will join us in celebration. Additionally, Medline and Republic Services, companies who help us strengthen our waste diversion strategies, will be on hand. Lastly, come connect with three local farmers, who will offer insight on locally-grown produce.
The Green Commuter Program will be giving away free bicycle helmets to anyone who completes the Helmet Hair Don’t Care pledge. Helmets will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.
And don’t forget to participate in Outdoor Yoga with UC Living Fit Forever on the lawn from 12:10-12:50 p.m.
Email Sarah Janus at if you have any questions.