The Living Our Values Tour

Throughout 2024, UC Davis Health will celebrate how we live our values of Kindness, Trust and Inclusion. We'll learn why they are critical to our culture, and how to choose them each day.

We believe in the power of Kindness. We believe in the necessity of Trust. We believe that Inclusion means everyone.

We believe in better.

Watch Videovideo iconDr. David Lubarsky, CEO, UC Davis Health

How to Get Involved

During the Living Our Values Tour, you can expect to see guest speakers, heartwarming videos, special content and interactive exercises that honor how our employees can and do live our values. 

  • February 5 - March 1: Join the Kindness Counts Challenge. This month-long activation offers kindness meditations and inspiration to practice informal acts of kindness. Register now.

  • February 7, 9 a.m.: Attend the virtual Town Hall, hosted by CEO David Lubarsky. Hear important information on UC Davis Health's performance, campus growth updates and our values. Register now.

    • Stay tuned for more events and exercises!
    The Living Our Values Tour will focus on a different value every four months, beginning with Kindness, followed by Trust and Inclusion.

    Recognize a Co-worker

    Throughout UC Davis Health, physicians, faculty and staff live our values every single day. When you see or hear about acts of Kindness, Trust or Inclusion, take the time to recognize your colleagues.

    Explore our recognition programs, BEST Rewards and POP Awards. Add #ValuesTour to your BEST Rewards nomination for a chance to be visited by our Kindness Crew.

    Best Rewards logo
    Pop Award logo

    Our Values in Action

    Watch Videovideo iconMarilu Garcia, RN, reacts to a kind letter from a co-worker
    UC Davis Health staff were tapped to read a few lines on camera about our Believe in Better campaign. Actually, they received letters written by people hidden in the next room. Each letter expressed gratitude to them for living UC Davis Health’s values of kindness, trust and inclusion.
    The D11, Trauma Nursing Unit created a board to spread awareness around kindness.


    The Living Our Values Tour is powered by an interdisciplinary team that includes:

    • Experience Design
    • Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (HEDI) 
    • Human Resources
    • Public Affairs and Marketing 

    If you have an idea for a story, guest speaker or group exercise that illustrates UC Davis Health's values, please contact us at!