Amir Zeki, M.D. for UC Davis Health

Amir  Zeki, M.D.

Amir Zeki, M.D.

Founder and Director VA COPD Clinic

Director of Research ROAD Center UC Davis

Professor in Residence

To see if Amir Zeki is accepting new patients, or for assistance finding a UC Davis doctor, please call 800-2-UCDAVIS (800-282-3284).



Pulmonary and Critical Care


Internal Medicine

Locations and Contact

UC Davis Medical Group - Sacramento (J Street)

Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine
2825 J St.
Sacramento, CA 95816

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Additional Numbers

Clinic Fax


Physician Referrals

800-4-UCDAVIS (800-482-3284)

Undergraduate School

B.S., University of Washington, Seattle WA 1997

Medical School

M.D., University of Washington, Seattle WA 2001

Other School

M.A.S., UC Davis, Davis CA 2009


Internal Medicine, UC Davis Medical Center, Sacramento CA 2001-2004


Internal Medicine, UC Davis Medical Center, Sacramento CA 2004-2005


Internal Medicine, UC Davis Medical Center, Sacramento CA 2005-2008

"Start-up of the Month," The biotech company I co-founded, 2021

Tobacco Control Coalition (TCC) Award, 2020

Foundation President, American Federation for Medical Research, 2017, 2018

The Phil Thai Research Award, 2018

American Thoracic Society, 2016

Al-Juburi S, Rafizadeh S, Zeki AA. Heart of the Matter: Syncope as a Rare Presentation of Lung Cancer Invading the Heart. J Investig Med High Impact Case Rep. 2021 Jan-Dec;9:23247096211053709. doi:10.1177/23247096211053709. PMID:34939449.

Lee JSG, Brown IE, Semrad AM, Zeki AA. Getting around the gut: a unique management challenge of thyroid storm precipitated by amphetamine-associated duodenal ischaemia leading to compromised enteric absorption. BMJ Case Rep. 2021 Aug 19;14(8):e238889. doi:10.1136/bcr-2020-238889. PMID:34413029.

Sharma P, Alizadeh J, Juarez M, Samali A, Halayko AJ, Kenyon NJ, Ghavami S, Zeki AA. Autophagy, Apoptosis, the Unfolded Protein Response, and Lung Function in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. Cells. 2021 Jun 30;10(7):1642. doi:10.3390/cells10071642. PMID:34209019.

Seyfoori A, Shokrollahi Barough M, Mokarram P, Ahmadi M, Mehrbod P, Sheidary A, Madrakian T, Kiumarsi M, Walsh T, McAlinden KD, Ghosh CC, Sharma P, Zeki AA, Ghavami S, Akbari M. Emerging Advances of Nanotechnology in Drug and Vaccine Delivery against Viral Associated Respiratory Infectious Diseases (VARID). Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Jun 28;22(13):6937. doi:10.3390/ijms22136937. PMID:34203268.

Shao T, Shi X, Yang S, Zhang W, Li X, Shu J, Alqalyoobi S, Zeki AA, Leung PS, Shuai Z. Interstitial Lung Disease in Connective Tissue Disease: A Common Lesion With Heterogeneous Mechanisms and Treatment Considerations. Front Immunol. 2021 Jun 7;12:684699. doi:10.3389/fimmu.2021.684699. PMID:34163483.

Naidu V, Zeki AA, Sharma P. Sex differences in the induction of angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE-2) in mouse lungs after e-cigarette vapor exposure and its relevance to COVID-19. J Investig Med. 2021 Jun;69(5):954-961. doi:10.1136/jim-2020-001768. Epub 2021 Apr 29. PMID:33926967.

Israel E, Denlinger LC, Bacharier LB, LaVange LM, Moore WC, Peters MC, Georas SN, Wright RJ, Mauger DT, Noel P, Akuthota P, Bach J, Bleecker ER, Cardet JC, Carr TF, Castro M, Cinelli A, Comhair SAA, Covar RA, Alexander LC, DiMango EA, Erzurum SC, Fahy JV, Fajt ML, Gaston BM, Hoffman EA, Holguin F, Jackson DJ, Jain S, Jarjour NN, Ji Y, Kenyon NJ, Kosorok MR, Kraft M, Krishnan JA, Kumar R, Liu AH, Liu MC, Ly NP, Marquis MA, Martinez FD, Moy JN, O'Neal WK, Ortega VE, Peden DB, Phipatanakul W, Ross K, Smith LJ, Szefler SJ, Teague WG, Tulchinsky AF, Vijayanand P, Wechsler ME, Wenzel SE, White SR, Zeki AA, Ivanova A. PrecISE: Precision Medicine in Severe Asthma: An adaptive platform trial with biomarker ascertainment. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2021 May;147(5):1594-1601. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2021.01.037. Epub 2021 Mar 2. PMID:33667479.

Dastghaib S, Kumar PS, Aftabi S, Damera G, Dalvand A, Sepanjnia A, Kiumarsi M, Aghanoori MR, Sohal SS, Ande SR, Alizadeh J, Mokarram P, Ghavami S, Sharma P, Zeki AA. Mechanisms Targeting the Unfolded Protein Response in Asthma. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2021 Jan;64(1):29-38. doi:10.1165/rcmb.2019-0235TR. PMID:32915643.

Lu RA, Zeki AA, Ram-Mohan S, Nguyen N, Bai Y, Chmiel K, Pecic S, Ai X, Krishnan R, Ghosh CC. Inhibiting Airway Smooth Muscle Contraction Using Pitavastatin: A Role for the Mevalonate Pathway in Regulating Cytoskeletal Proteins. Front Pharmacol. 2020 May 6;11:469. doi:10.3389/fphar.2020.00469. PMID:32435188.

Zeki AA. Meditations on leadership. J Investig Med. 2020 Apr;68(4):811-812. doi:10.1136/jim-2020-001331. Epub 2020 Mar 25. PMID:32217629.