

Cognitive Control in Autism (CoCoA study) Publications

Krug, M. K., Takarae, Y., Iosif, A. M., & Solomon, M. (2024). Decision-making under conditions of explicit risk and uncertainty in autistic and typically developing adolescents and young adults. Cerebral Cortex, 34(13), 1–7.

Davis, K., Iosif, A. M., Nordahl, C. W., Solomon M., & Krug, M. K. (2023). Video game use, aggression, and social impairment in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 53(9), 3567–3580. Epub 2022 July 12. 

Wulff R. A., Iosif A. M., Krug M. K., Harvey P. D., & Solomon M. (2023) Piloting a novel daily living skills assessment in autistic adolescents and young adults. Autism in Adulthood, 5(1), 86–92. Epub 2023 Mar 13.

Gordon, A., Krug, M. K., Wulff, R., Elliott, M. V., Hogeveen, J., Lesh, T., Carter, C., & Solomon, M. (2021). Components of executive control in autism spectrum disorders: An fMRI examination of dual-mechanism accounts. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 6(8), 792–801. Epub 2020 Nov 26.
Solomon, M., Gordon, A., Iosif, A. M., Geddert, R., Krug, M. K., Mundy, P. & Hessl, D. (2021). Using the NIH Toolbox to assess cognition in adolescents and young adults with autism spectrum disorders. Autism Research, 14(3), 500–511. Epub 2020 Oct 2.

Gordon, A., Geddert, R., Hogeveen, J., Krug, M. K., Obhi, S. S. & Solomon, M. (2020). Not so automatic imitation: Expectation of incongruence reduces interference in both autism spectrum disorder and typical development. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 50(4), 1310–1323.

Hogeveen, J., Krug, M. K., Geddert, R. M., Ragland, J. D., & Solomon, M. (2020). Compensatory hippocampal recruitment supports preserved episodic memory in autism spectrum disorder. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 5(1), 97–109. Epub 2019 Sep 5.

Krug, M. K., Elliott, M. V., Gordon, A., Hogeveen, J., & Solomon, M. (2020). Proactive control in adolescents and young adults with autism spectrum disorder: Unimpaired but associated with symptoms of depression. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 129(5), 517–527. Epub 2020 May 14.

In Progress

Yon-Hernández J. A., Gonzales C., Bothra S., Kecskemeti K., Takarae Y., Iosif A. M., Ruder S., McGurk S., Mueser K., & Solomon M. (2024). Challenges and opportunities: Work experiences of autistic young adults (In Review). 

Yon-Hernández J. A., Iosif A. M., Srivastav, A., & Solomon M. (2024). Adaptive functioning across contexts: A comparison of parent and self-reported ratings in autistic and non-autistic youth (In Review). Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorder.