Evidence Based Treatment of ADHD | UC Davis MIND Institute

Evidence Based Treatment of ADHD

Many treatments exist for ADHD.  We recommend only using treatments that have published studies showing they work. Some treatments have more evidence than others about their effectiveness.   Below are brief descriptions of currently available evidence-based treatments and links for additional information.

Behavioral Therapies

Behavioral interventions teach a person to monitor behaviors and provide rewards for desired behaviors to increase the likelihood of the positive behavior in the future. Planned ignoring or taking away a reward may also be used to reduce negative behaviors. To be effective, rewards for positive behavior must always be given if one is to use planned ignoring or taking away of rewards. The type of rewards used depends on the age and interest of the individual but can range from praise to privileges. Below are different types of behavioral approaches and their characteristics for both children and adults.

  • Parents and caregivers learn how to teach children how to better control behavior.
  • Is the first line treatment for preschoolers with ADHD and helpful for school age children and adolescents as well.
  • Consists of several appointments with a therapist during which parents learn about positive communication skills, appropriate discipline, reinforcement of good behaviors, and structured environments.
    Between the appointments, parents practice these skills at home.
  • Takes time and effort but has been shown to have long term benefits.
  • Commonly used programs include Parent Child Interaction Therapy,
    Triple P (Positive Parenting Program), and Incredible Years Program
  • Parent training interventions for ADHD in children aged 5 to 18 years - a Cochrane Database Review

Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)

  • Used for children 2-7 years old
  • Focuses on the parent child relationship
  • Teaches parents play-based skills and positive reinforcement through observation and practice of specific skills
  • Typically requires 1-2 weekly visits for3-4 months
  • Therapy is completed when parents are able to demonstrate the skills taught during therapy
  • Developed in the 1970s for children with disruptive behavior disorders
  • Good option to treat:
    Disruptive behaviors
    Attachment difficulties
  • For a more detailed information on PCIT

    Positive Parenting Program (Triple P)

    Incredible Years Program

    • Used for children ages 0-12 years old
    • Developed to promote emotional and social abilities and to decrease aggression and emotional problems
    • Different programs for parents, teachers, and children
    • Typically taught in small groups
    • For more information:

    Promising Therapies with Limited Research

    • Mindful Meditation
      • Not harmful
      • Trains the mind to focus on what is happening at this moment
      • Few small studies have been completed, but further studies needed
      • For additional information, see this Child Mind Institute article
    • Physical Activity, Yoga, Tai Chi
      • Provides overall health benefits
      • Not harmful
      • Few small studies showing some improvements, but further studies needed
      • Attitude article - The Exercise Prescription
    • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adolescents
      • Developed for adults, but has been utilized in adolescents as well
      • Can be beneficial for anxiety and depression
      • Research shows variable results, so further research is needed

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

  • Most commonly for adults; does not work with children with ADHD.
  • Goal is to train  mindfulness, self-awareness, goal setting and organization.
  • Allows person to be more aware of their behaviors, so they are better able to increase desired behaviors and decrease undesired behaviors.
  • Requires some maturity
  • Can be used for many difficulties, including anxiety and depression
  • Specific programs for ADHD available
  • More information about CBT

Mindfulness/Mindful Meditation


Behavioral Therapies with Possible Benefits, but Lacking Formal Research