We affirm the dignity inherent in all people, and we strive to maintain a climate of equity and justice demonstrated by respect and support for one another. We acknowledge that our society carries within it historical and deep-rooted injustices and biases. Therefore, we endeavor to foster mutual understanding and respect among the many parts of our whole, as well as in the society at large. We affirm the right of freedom of expression within our community. We affirm our commitment to non-violent exchange and the highest standards of respectful conduct and decency toward all. Within this context, we reject violence, hate, and prejudice in all forms. We promote the open expression of our individuality and our diversity within the bounds of courtesy, sensitivity and respect. We further recognize the right of every individual to think, speak, express and debate any idea limited only by university regulations governing time, place and manner. We confront and reject all manifestations of discrimination, including those based on race, ethnicity, gender and gender expression, age, visible and non-visible disability, nationality, sexual orientation, citizenship status, veteran status, religious/non-religious, spiritual, or political beliefs, socio-economic class, status within or outside the university, or any of the other differences among people that have been used in the past as excuses for misunderstanding, dissension, or hatred. We recognize and cherish the richness contributed to our lives by our diversity. We take pride in the achievements of all members of our community, and we celebrate our differences. We recognize that each of us has an obligation to the UC Davis community of which we have chosen to be a part. We will strive to build and maintain a culture and climate based on mutual respect and caring and to ensure that equity and social justice are woven into the work we do every day as we address the mission of the MIND Institute.
The UC Davis MIND Institute is a collaborative international research center committed to the awareness, understanding, prevention and treatment of the challenges associated with neurodevelopmental disabilities and to do so in a manner that reduces disparities and ensures equitable access to the benefits of our efforts.
Find and develop treatments to reduce the challenges of neuro-developmental disabilities and improve the quality of life for individuals with neurodevelopmental disabilities and their families while ensuring equitable access to those treatments.
Goal 1: Recruit, retain and support the advancement of a diverse cohort of faculty with particular focus on increasing the number of faculty from historically underrepresented populations to help improve health equity for people with disabilities and address cultural and linguistic intersections within disability.
Goal 2: Recruit, hire, retain, and support the advancement of personnel from a diverse cohort with the aim of having culturally and linguistically sensitive and competent staff who reflect local, state, and national demographic of people we hope to serve.
Goal 3: Recruitment, retention, and advancement of a diverse cohort of graduate and postdoctoral level trainees who provide culturally and linguistically sensitive and competent care and integrate cultural issues in research.
Goal 4: Create and/or support an undergraduate pipeline program to encourage the next generation to pursue specialty fields for people with disabilities. This pipeline program will include individuals with disabilities and/or those from other historically underrepresented communities within the disability field to promote health equity.
Goal 1: Improve infrastructure at the MIND to support DEI in an effort to achieve health and educational equity for all people with disability. Develop infrastructure that supports diversity, inclusion, and cultural and linguistic competence, and builds capacity to address and reduce inequities and disparities.
Goal 2: Improve our understanding of, and interactions with, people with disability with multiple cultural identities and linguistic backgrounds and disseminate this information with partners.
Meaningfully include people with I/DD and their families from under-served racial, ethnic, linguistic backgrounds.
Ensure accountability to DEI efforts at the MIND in all areas of research, clinical, public service and staff and faculty support.
Janice Enriquez
Vanessa M. Avila-Pons
Roy Ben-Shalom
Jonathan Bystrynski
Jo Ann Yon Hernandez
Anurupa (Riki) Kar
Hastings Lorman
Alainia Olive
Michele Y Ono
Stephen Noctor
Mercedes Piedra
Meagan Talbott
Megan Tudor
Sarah Fulton Vejnoska
Veronica Ahumada
Yalda Assemi
Erin Carlson
Jennifer Berger-Coleman
Brett Dufour
Deeniece Hatten
Tonya Piergies
Paula Sullivan
Ayaka Suzuki
Cynthia Nayelli Reynoso Trujillo