Individuals with graduate or post-graduate level education and have either an academic or experiential background in Autism and Developmental Disabilities are encouraged to apply to be a Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (LEND) trainee. Graduate education can be in school psychology, social work, child psychiatry, pediatrics, speech-language pathology, physical therapy, education including special education, genetics, public health, or nursing.
The LEND training cycle begins in September and ends at the end of May each year.
Self-advocates and their family members with an interest in developing expertise in neurodevelopmental disabilities and leadership skills are encouraged to apply to be a LEND trainee. By offering their unique experience and insights, family members and self-advocates contribute to the interdisciplinary aspect of the LEND training and play an integral part of the LEND experience.
The LEND training cycle begins in September and ends at the end of May.
Please use the following information to help determine the level of training that would be the best fit for you.
Long-term Trainees
Long-term trainees will receive 40 hours of active research experience in an ongoing project that aligns with their training goals. They will prepare posters or papers from findings of the project to present in conferences based on this experience. Long-term trainees will receive 301 + total hours of training for the year. LEND trainees are expected to attend training activities such as seminars and classes on Mondays and Thursdays.
Fulltime Trainees
Included in our long-term trainees will be fulltime graduate/post-doctoral clinical trainees who are in their final year of training. Each fulltime trainee can be supported via financial stipends to participate in 40 hours per week for the training year. They will be mentored by LEND Faculty.
Medium-term Trainees
Medium-term & Advanced medium-term Trainees: Medium-term trainees (participating in 40-149 hours of training) and Advanced medium-term trainees (participating in 150-299 hours of training) will take part in some of the LEND curriculum activities, be involved in interdisciplinary clinical activities, and may also participate in some of the LEND community training activities. Advanced medium-term trainees will also develop a Leadership/Research Project as part of their training. Candidates for these roles will meet the same criteria as LEND long-term trainees.