Brain Donations to CENE | UC Davis MIND Institute

Brain Donations to CENE

Brain slice sample

Why donate?

Each year, more people than ever before are being diagnosed with disorders such as autism, fragile X syndrome, and other neurodevelopmental disabilities.

Brain donation helps researchers study the brain. While tremendous progress is being made in biomedical research, there is so much more information that neuroscientists are working to discover. Breakthroughs in brain disorders depend on donations of human brain tissue after a donor has passed away. It’s important to know that many brains are needed from diverse populations and ages to help researchers investigate the causes of these neurodevelopmental disorders to develop more effective therapies for future generations.

Since one brain can provide tissue for dozens – sometimes hundreds – of neurological studies, an individual brain donation is a highly valuable gift.

You can be the brain behind the breakthrough, whether you have a neurologic disorder or a healthy brain. Scientists need both kinds. And there is no cost to your family for you to donate this precious gift.

If death has occurred or is imminent, please call CENE at the following number as soon as possible: 530-574-2196. A brain retrieval must be performed within 24 hours from the time of death in order to maximize tissue preservation.

Nearly any person over 18 years old may volunteer to donate. For those under age 18, a legal guardian must provide consent and make arrangements. It is important to discuss registering as a brain donor with your family to ensure that they are aware of your wishes.

Brain donations follow a multi-step and collaborative process that involves CENE representatives, next of kin of the donor and pathologists in the locality of the donation. Brain donations are used for research purposes only.

Pre-Registration Form