• UC Davis Neurology Medical Clerkships

The Neurology Department education programs include the following medical clerkships open to UC Davis medical students in their fourth year. Please see the 2025-2026 Course Flyer or the course descriptions below for more information.

Fourth year domestic medical students can submit applications to enroll in our Neurology 450, 452, and 455. Elective courses on the AAMC Visiting Student Learning Opportunities website. Our new Health Equity Visiting Student scholarship form is available here for students applying to our Child Neurology rotation through VSLO. 

Rogawski profile photo

Michael A. Rogowski, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor and Director, Center for Neurotherapeutics Discovery and Development
Instructor of Record NEU 440

Course Description:

The goal of this course is to educate medical students on the many facets of the process by which drugs are discovered, developed, regulated and marketed, and to raise awareness of the economic, political and social factors that shape the process.

Course Prerequisites:

  • Fourth Year Medical Student


This is a two week didactics course.

Malhado-Chang profile photoNorika Malhado-Chang, M.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Neurology and Instructor of Record NEU 450 & 452

Ajay Sampat profile photo

Ajay Sampat, M.D.
Assistant Professor and Assistant Instructor of Record NEU 450 & 452

Course Description:

The student will learn the essentials of a detailed neurological examination and the principles of differential neurological diagnosis. Emphasis will be placed upon common neurological disorders that will be encountered in practice.

Course Prerequisite:

  • Fourth Year Medical Student
  • Third Year Medical Student (Limited UC Davis MS3s)


  • 3 weeks on the in-patient service, divided between Wards & Consults
  • 1 week rotating through the outpatient subspecialty clinics

Malhado-Chang profile photoNorika Malhado-Chang, M.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Neurology and Instructor of Record NEU 450 & 452

Sampat profile photo

Ajay Sampat, M.D.
Assistant Professor and Assistant Instructor of Record NEU 450 & 452

Course Description:

Extension of the basic neurology clerkship designed for students with special interest in medical disorders of the nervous system. Emphasizes principles of neurological differential diagnosis and therapeutics. Students will serve as acting interns on the neurology in-patient ward service. They will participate in all neurology resident teaching and didactic sessions, be expected to take standard calls, and participate in medical student case and topic presentations.

Course Prerequisites:

  • Completion of four-week Advanced Clinical Clerkship (NEU450)
  • Consent of instructor

Frederick BassalFrederick Bassal, D.O.
Professor and Instructor of Record NEU 455

Course Description:

Pediatric neurology focuses on the treatment of children from birth into young adulthood with neurologic concerns. Students on the rotation will learn about neurologic diseases that affect children. They will also have the opportunity to learn important techniques for assessing neurologic status and exam findings in children of all ages.

Course Prerequisites:

  • Fourth Year Medical Student
  • Satisfactory completion of core pediatric rotation
  • Consent of instructor

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